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Search results for query: *

  1. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    I believe this news is pertinent to the interest of this forum: Shoppers in disbelief as man does a naked 'cannonball' dive into Bass Pro Shop aquarium
  2. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Omegle is dead.
  3. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Yep, the internet. Before the internet you have to find the fools. Now the fools will find you and throw their life savings at your harebrain scams.
  4. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Because some tik tok influencer told them it's the best thing ever and surely they're not lying or talking out of their ass...
  5. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/nft-market-crypto-digital-assets-investors-messari-mainnet-currency-tokens-2023-9 NFTs are dead, press F and screenshot to pay respects.
  6. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

  7. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Not really anything important, but might as well ride on the coattails of that other air national guard dude earlier... https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/04/fbi-rent-a-hitman-site-nabbed-air-national-guardsman-who-was-excited-to-kill/ Yep, another air national guard dude got...
  8. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/12/discord-leaked-documents/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/national-guard-member-arrested-for-leaking-classified-documents-on-discord/ar-AA19Q1UA Tl;dr: dude leaked a shitton of sensitive, classified, top secret documents on his...
  9. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/sierra-mist-is-discontinued-meet-pepsi-s-new-soda-to-take-on-sprite/ar-AA16e8e5 Burh what? I always thought the drink was a bit older than that...
  10. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Queen Elizabeth II has died.
  11. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    A Space Force member was busted down a rank for bailing on PT to get a PlayStation 5 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the kind of people who are defending earth from the lizard people aliens.
  12. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Six Years After Chemical Ban, Fewer Female Snails Are Growing Penises So they were putting chemicals in the water that turn the frigging snails futa, but they're not doing that anymore...
  13. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    When you turn on the news and you wonder if you somehow wandered into an alternate reality: https://www.aninews.in/news/world/asia/covid-19-china-buffoons-all-weather-ally-pakistan-by-sending-underwear-masks20200405092625/
  14. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Just saw this randomly on my facebook feed, feel that it's just the kind of thing that QQers would be interested in... https://www.foxnews.com/world/isis-al-baghdadi-underwear-spy-dna-test-kurds?fbclid=IwAR2VhijRavWzE-IoPV2VPoggFOzCT92Q5CMaBkzUuuuapKUZrfwazJOG010 Why am I reminded of a...