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Search results for query: *

  1. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    I've eaten boar before, it's pretty good and machine gunning them from a helicopter sounds like a great way to stock up.
  2. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    I wonder if the boar are still edible after being machine gunned from a helicopter?
  3. MadGreenSon

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    Nah, those are the US states that already have a hog problem without the super hogs
  4. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/23/super-pigs-invading-us-from-canada-concerns/71681456007/ All the "best" traits of domestic pigs and wild boars, coming soon to a United States near you!
  5. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    He fell victim to the biggest addiction in the world today: attention. He wanted a bigger hit, and now he's paying the price.
  6. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    She did charity work as I understand it and otherwise upheld the functions of being Queen. Undoubtedly there is some politics in it, but... <shrug> So what? Her main goal as I understand it was to influence the voting public towards one party/issue or another as little as possible. Whether...
  7. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    There are no perfect people. She wasn't always right, wasn't always the best, but IMO she was pretty good all the same. There is definitely criticism of her, legitimate and not. However, it remains true that if you find a world leader that you think has no faults and nothing wrong with them...
  8. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Yeah. Charles isn't actually a bad guy, but he has made unpopular moves and doesn't have 70 years to become a British institution like his mother did. He doesn't have the time or likely the inclination to build up the mystique and public persona like Elizabeth did.
  9. MadGreenSon

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    Ah! An explanation begins to form!
  10. MadGreenSon

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    They're having steering issues?
  11. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    I know. It's just very depressing that this kind of Mad Max shit is the new normal.
  12. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Wow. The fact that such a thing might be needed...
  13. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Should have known the year was going into the shitter. Maybe the plague probably being carried by those escaped monkeys in Pennsylvania will take care of it for us.
  14. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Meat Loaf is dead https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-27469244 Fuck this world
  15. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Betty White has died https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/31/entertainment/betty-white-obituary/index.html The world has lost one of it's genuine treasures.
  16. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    https://twitter.com/AnneRiceAuthor/status/1469921605216133121?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Anne Rice is dead
  17. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    Let's not.
  18. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    This is a few years old, but funny enough to share: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/09/19/raccoons-bust-into-toronto-womans-home-stare-her-down-while-defiantly-eating-her-bread.html
  19. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    I have no idea. I just think it's neat.
  20. MadGreenSon

    News and Headlines...

    I love it when people make futuristic shit The robot kitchen that will make you dinner – and wash up too