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Search results for query: *

  1. News and Headlines...

    Here's a bit of a blast from the past, with a case that rises to new levels of people doing stupid stuff to play Pokemon Go- 2 now former LAPD officers who were fired over a 2017 incident where they blew off a call for backup at an ongoing armed robbery in order to hit a number of Pokestops in...
  2. News and Headlines...

    A town in Wales got to experience something out of a SyFy Original Movie coming to life when they suffered a two-day long campaign of terror at the paws of a 'psycho' squirrel that went on a rampage attacking pets and people, injuring 18, before being caught and subsequently euthanized...
  3. News and Headlines...

    Vocaloids are turning up in the strangest places- in this year's high school graduation examination in Ireland, there were 2 essay questions whose prompts involved Hatsune Miku. https://kotaku.com/hatsune-miku-sneaks-into-irelands-high-school-exit-exam-1847068105
  4. News and Headlines...

    Reposting this from the Tumblr rants thread: Verizon just sold Tumblr, to the folks who own Wordpress for a measly 3 million USD. (Yahoo, whom Verizon inherited the social media platform from, paid $1.1 billion to acquire it in 2013, so Verizon only got .27% of the acquisition price out of...
  5. News and Headlines...

    Some sad news from the land of Internet memes past- Tardar Sauce, the feline made famous by the Grumpy Cat meme has died at the age of 7 from complications of a urinary tract infection. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/17/celebrities/grumpy-cat-dead-intl-scli/index.html...
  6. News and Headlines...

    The crew of the RV Petrel have announced their third major Second World War shipwreck, that of the carrier USS Wasp (CV-7), another casualty of the Guadalcanal Campaign. being torpedoed and sunk by a Japanese submarine 150 miles SE of San Cristobal Island, in over 14,000' of water during...
  7. News and Headlines...

    Another notable shipwreck from the Second World War was found- fresh off their discovery of the wreck of the Japanese battleship Hiei, earlier today, the crew of the RV Petrel announced that they had found the wreck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8), best known as the ship from which the...
  8. News and Headlines...

    Another one for the history buffs- a few days ago, the research vessel RV Petrel, operated by a research foundation started by the late Paul Allen, located the wreck of HIJMS Hiei, the first Japanese battleship sunk in the Second World War in over 1200' of water, to the northwest of Savo Island...
  9. News and Headlines...

    Have another example of a plane flying an artistic flight path- an A330 owned by Danish airline Thomas Cook Scandinavia, making an hour-long test flight out of Stockholm, drew a giant heart over southeastern Sweden...
  10. News and Headlines...

    A university in China, in an attempt to increase interest in its spring track & field day has decided to replace the javelin & discus events with a grenade toss, where competitors throw inert replicas of the Chinese knock-off of the WW2-era German Stielhandgranate, after students complained...
  11. News and Headlines...

    Another one for the history buffs- an expedition financed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has located the wreck of USS Lexington (CV-2), the US Navy's first fast aircraft carrier, which was scuttled after being wrecked by an internal explosion from aviation fuel storage tanks that were...
  12. News and Headlines...

    So, here's a blast from the meme past- Grumpy Cat has once again returned to the news. This time, she won a $710,000 trademark infringement lawsuit against a beverage company for exceeding the scope of their permission to use her likeness on their products...
  13. News and Headlines...

    A US Navy aircrew based at NAS Whidbey Island has been removed from flight status for grossly unprofessional conduct, and is facing possible further discipline after they engaged in a little impromptu skywriting during a training mission in their EA-18G Growler, and drew a certain, distinctly...
  14. News and Headlines...

    Here's one for the history buffs here- one of World War II's most notorious shipwrecks has been located by an expedition sent out by Paul Allen. Allen's team discovered the wreck of the heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis (CA-35), which was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in the Philippine Sea on...
  15. News and Headlines...

    A Boeing 787, on an 18-hour long endurance test flight, flew a course that resulted in it drawing a giant picture of itself across the US http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-boeing-dreamliner-drew-a-giant-outline-of-itself-in-the-air-and-it%E2%80%99s-awesome/ar-AApmovE?OCID=ansmsnnews11...