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Search results for query: *

  1. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Well, just got proof the pokemon RNG is tsun for me. Fourth encounter on route 4 was an Eevee! yay! -lvl 12 eevee with 1 hp and paralyzed proceeds to break out of 8 regular pokeballs instantly- ...The hell? I thought. But then again the eevee itself was in like a fourth or fifth pokemon...
  2. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Yeah, I'm on it's bad side. The time I described was for that deino. While it took 1 ultraball, 2 great balls to catch that pompom bird thing in the meadow. And this is with them at 1 hp due to those moves. I didn't know the nest ball was like that though. I'm currently trying to catch a...
  3. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Well, got a jolly deino from the island search this time. So my semi permanent team right now is snorelax, deino, pikachu, and the grass starter. Though the catch rate is fucking awful. Level ten or lower pokemon with one HP should not fucking be able to break out of a fucking ultraball, three...
  4. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    I'm sad because I just missed out on a tottadial using the island scan before I fully explore the island or got passed things that I need to in order to fucking explore the island.
  5. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    The nature thing is more of a habit from me. From when I actually played semi competitively and did nuzlock challenges on my old pokemon games that had the nature thing. Some of them don't because their old. Though with nuzlock, my starter was the only one I ever reset and got the right nature...
  6. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Kinda gave in and got pokemon sun... still at the beginning since I'm resetting to get Adamant nature for my owl starter. Honestly that was a tough choice this time. Even though fire kitteh apparently has shitty typing when fully evolved with a shitty move pool and stats, it was a close...
  7. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Personally, I generally go for water, fire, or normal pokemon. It's available until the 11th.
  8. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Well, people need something to do with their extra cash I guess. Glad they came back with the avatar customization though. Was a bit worried since it wasn't in the new Ruby version. At least from what I could tell and I gotten far on that. May actually pick it up for Christmas just to see it for...
  9. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Seems a bit more interesting then the other games lately then. Did they allow you to buy outfits for your avatar as well? Been wondering if that is only going to be a pokemon x and y type of thing.
  10. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    ... Stars? Reminds me of a zombie. Anyway, kinda sad to see that they are going to the three version thing again.
  11. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Hmm, I may check it out then. The no gyms thing is rather interesting and I wonder how the replacement for them will be like. It seems like I was wrong and this could be pretty much the change in the story that I was looking for.
  12. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Haven't really researched it beyond a curious glance, what's the plot like? Since the plot is the main reason I have against pokemon games because they are all the fucking same. I think it would actually have been good if they made it the actual pokemon equivalent of PETA rather than just a...
  13. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    They finally did that? At least that is one of their better ideas. ^.^
  14. OverReactionGuy

    New pokemon games coming out

    Well, yeah. Apparently Pokemon Sun and Moon are coming out soon, but really? I feel underwhelmed. I haven't actually beat a new pokemon game since pokemon black and even then that was mostly because I had a gameshark to cut grinding time for eggs and shit like that. But that isn't the problem...