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  1. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    You do realise there are black Japanese people? And that Naruto takes place in a fictional universe, not Japan?
  2. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Like a reverse Imp. Instead of erasing herself from people's memories, she adds herself in. Her weakness isn't cameras, but people she hasn't affected. Daddy's Girl is pretty similar to that, actually.
  3. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    You said his name waaaaaaay too much in this part. Once is enough. I also have no idea who he is, but that's neither here nor there.
  4. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I meant more that there are more people over there, and they'll likely have plenty of ideas for such euphemisms. How is a verb a spoiler?
  5. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Wrong ideas thread, mate? Though you could use pretty much any verb.
  6. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Mmk. I can never tell for sure, when people don't quote. Sometimes, yeah. I just write the chapters however long feels appropriate. I've got some 11k ones, and some 1.5k ones, and some 4k ones, and some 8k ones. Just happens. I doubt I'll ever go as long as Brandon Sanderson (or Robert...
  7. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Thanks. I've started on part 3, but 'slow' is almost an understatement when it comes to my writing speed, and I want to figure out what happens next before I go too far. I want to rewrite part 2 as well, but honestly, I'm never going to do that.
  8. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Who are you talking to?
  9. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Post it there anyway. It's a lot more active, and more people there are cool with interesting character relationship ideas (without excessive amounts of smut) than you seem to think. I wrote two chapters of a Danny/Carol romance after their spouses both die in 2003 and it was well received, even...
  10. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Oh. Well she's still really shaken up about the whole situation (ie. being taken hostage and everything with Taylor), and she's never had a game run on her before.
  11. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Jesus christ, man. Chill out, will you? Of course I think about it. I have my integrity. I didn't give loads of detail because it's a spoiler, and I'd like to maintain a sense of mystery and confusion that pervades the early parts of the story (unlike some authors who seem content to post...
  12. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    A bit less than 100 feet. It's a long-ass distance, yeah. But people have survived longer. She also landed on the other guy (but mentioning that in-story would've been awkward), and her body started healing as soon as she landed. She heals faster than a normal person, for reasons as-yet...
  13. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    What Lazurman said. Edit: I'm pretty confident a doctor would be able to recognise old injuries, even if they're surrounded by new ones. And there's no way every single one of her many old injuries would be hidden by the new. She wasn't burnt heavily, either. Just her hand and cheek, and...
  14. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    << Previous Alexis - Part 2 Beep. “I’m sorry…” A girl’s voice. I struggled to understand. She sounded angry. “This is all my… should’ve… faster… you first…” Beep. “…sorry…” Blackness. ————————————————— Beep. A hand on my lips, brushing away wetness. “Taylor?” Another girl’s...
  15. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Sure. I'll probably make a thread after the next chapter, since that'd make the story around 20,000 words in total.
  16. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Thanks. There's more to come, and I'll probably make a thread around part two or three, but it won't be coming soon. I have a lot of projects.
  17. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Alexis - Part 1 August 28th, 2007 A PRT officer led Mom, Emma and I into a hospital room that had clearly been repurposed for interviews or something. He gestured, and we took our seats. The officer—Byers, according to his name-tag—perused a file for a few seconds, then looked up...
  18. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    This is a cool idea. Can't think of a good story for it though. Anyway, here's a thing I did last week:
  19. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Her brother, Reggie, committed suicide. She mentioned to her parents that she'd noticed something off about him before he did it, and they started blaming her for it. She triggered in her sleep a while later, and her dad found out and started using her power for his own benefit. After a while of...
  20. Angush

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Thanks. What do you mean "pleasantly surprised"? Edit: Nevermind, it's pretty obvious. I'm an idiot.