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Search results for query: *

  1. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Prior positive relationship without any betrayals (already committed or planned) plus shaker field (which might be literal magic) helping both parties with empathy, connecting with people, and a few other useful boons. (With informed consent, of course)
  2. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Short snippet for the Worm fanfic I'm trying to write. Asima is an original character. Taylor stood hunched over and vulnerable. “Why didn't they help me?” Taylor pleaded brokenly. “May I give you a hug, Taylor?” Asima softly inquired. Taylor spasmed up, eyes wide as fear warred with hope...
  3. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Specific powers? Well, the current situation itself that is being dealt with would definitely play a part, but so would the history of each new parahuman. So there's definitely that to factor in. Breaker (Master): Can merge own body with that of at least one other person. As long as they're...
  4. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Mover, trump, and brute seem the most likely if what I recall about triggering conditions is accurate. (Get away, get away, deal with this parahuman/power, and survive the immediate dangers right here)
  5. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I didn't mean to imply that he could. However, they could still probably make his body react fairly weirdly. Smelling through his hands, hearing through his feet, and seeing through his torso is probably well within what his power can do, and I'd imagine it would be rather weird to experience...
  6. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Prompt: The Brockton Bay Wards play a game where they try to get Aegis' superpower to give him the weirdest adaptations possible (without doing anything that would interfere with work, school, etc, of course, or going beyond what Aegis himself is comfortable with).
  7. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Fairly sure that QA would need an active host (Taylor or Danny are most likely) before she would start spawning buds. Anyway, it could be very interesting.
  8. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    <Jack Slash comes out to the rest of the Slaughterhouse 9. They disband soon after and Jack never builds up her reputation again. (Probably more because Jack had this dream for so long yet didn't do anything about it than because the people around her discriminate against transwomen, but quite...
  9. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Hn... looking at the known Haven names: they generally have very little to do with their powers. Might be better to instead link it to a personal belief or some focus that she wants to be known for. One could probably create a metaphor to connect her power to it.
  10. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    *Nods* If my understanding of Haven is correct, "Plague" would probably not be a name they'd want to encourage. Especially since there are WAY better uses for her power, both against villains and for civilians.
  11. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Maybe this is fanon, but doesn't Haven actually dedicate more of their efforts towards improving things rather than fighting villains? They're protectors too, of course, so they fight villains as well. But I don't think their actual focus is "take down villains".
  12. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Eric Pelham didn't actually trigger. He's way too well-adjusted and happy for that to have ever happened, even as a second-gen. Instead, he gained powers when a friendly ferret (Yuuno Scrya) cried out for help and he heard the call. Luckily enough, Eric had a high affinity for shield spells...
  13. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Considering he must work through people who know sign-language in order to actually take advantage of his exceptional charisma, I don't think being a Nazi would be a good route to power for him. My thought is he is still a self-interested jerk, but the people who he can actually gain power...
  14. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Max Anders alt-trigger: Almost entirely ignored by his father (who very firmly believed that children should be seen but not heard, and any descendants of his would always be children to him) eventually drove Max to trigger from the neglect (with a completely different source-shard). As long as...
  15. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Oh, huh. Thanks for the corrections. And yeah, I figured about the default language. Best of luck with your writing. :) Random idea: Taylor reads about people who take on a different gender role, and get treated as such, and the various reasons that they do that. So, relatively early on...
  16. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    So a Brute or Changer alt-trigger where Taylor's secret identity is damaged, at best, before she even creates it? Possibly leading to joining New Wave for protection (of several sorts). The date settings don't fit for a USA; they call that month "January". Personally, I'd prefer they weren't...
  17. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Quote from Vista: Have captured Lung with two PRT officers. What do you want me to do, give him back? So, the story: Vista is an even more snarky and badass ward who finds quotes from famous military officers to allude to, especially in her many successes.
  18. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Indeed, but that is a completely different issue than "Coil's power doesn't work that way". And one could definitely make the argument that Coil didn't even feel guilt for (in his mind only) harming other Thomas Calverts, but I don't think he was actually a sociopath; I think he cared about how...
  19. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    TanaNari, I'm aware that no Thomas Calverts were actually harmed by the timeline dropping (except arguably for the real one and the psychological effects of what he does), however if he felt any guilt for them then they're fair targets. They don't have to be linked to actual people. It's what...
  20. Navrin

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Random Power Idea: User selects a target and a shade of every person that person has felt guilt for harming/not helping in the past are created to attack them, all designed in such a way that they optimally evoke that guilt. Used on Coil, it would probably create a LOT of Thomas Calverts left...