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Search results for query: *

  1. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Yes, that fits. Thinking that Bitch is clearly some form of wolf-faerie, and Grue is a darkfae (probably the in-story version of a grue, or a half-grue), but the others I'm not so clear on.
  2. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    In some stories (blanking on examples, so take it with a grain of salt), the Fair Folk seem to be able to manipulate and trade in abstract concepts to a degree, though perhaps not casually, and often with a need for some metaphorical or narrative justification. Emma basically threw away her...
  3. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    At some point, Leet manages to build a device that plays 'appropriate' theme music for whomever they're facing. Even though it doesn't often match whatever game they're doing, Leet decides to keep using it for however long it lasts, because it gives them the occasional useful clue about how big...
  4. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Weird thought: Madison finds out about Taylor's bug-control powers, and after the blue-screen-like panic is over, decides that the fact that Taylor didn't kill them all, or even give them crabs, means that she's a Pure Innocent Who Must Be Protected From This Harsh World (partly because if...
  5. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Strange AU idea: Not long after Annette dies, Taylor seems to trigger, gaining (or regaining) the memories and magics of a girl from another Earth. A girl called Bonnie Dresden (yes, Harry's other daughter; Taylor tends not to tell people much about Bonnie's nature if she can avoid it).
  6. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Taylor loses a bet with Alec before the Bank Job, and has to call herself 'Callipygian.' This results in Amy paying more attention to her, and the situation at the bank turns comedic instead of edgy. (Alec is very lucky Taylor didn't remember what the word meant until Amy felt her up and said...
  7. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Somewhere between the start of the bullying and the PRT finally catching Shadow Stalker (which in this AU might be Taylor's work), Taylor has a very bad day, is endangered by a running battle between Miss Militia and Squealer (who is an independent villain at this point, and hasn't met...
  8. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    While it certainly has the potential for smut (and was also posted in the NSFW thread for that reason), it does not need to be explicit.
  9. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Kind of a random idea: Emma Triggers some time after the Alley, with a bud from her mother's distant cousin Blasto. She's a plant-based Master/Bio-Tinker who goes by Poison Ivy (and runs away from home to avoid hurting her family or having her work interrupted). Taylor Triggers later due to...
  10. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Between Taylor's trigger event and her debut, a mad precog starts a Cult of Khepri. Taylor doesn't find out about it until after her debut (whether it's as canon or something else), and then learns that she's fulfilled the First Prophecy of the cult.
  11. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Once day, she works herself up to read Emma's diary... and starts swearing. A lot.
  12. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Weird pun idea: Taylor has the power to conjure and administrate (locate, psychokinetically control, alter temperature, et cetra) I-beams. Naturally, when she conjures them, they shoot from her eyes.
  13. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Random crackish idea: Taylor (whether her canon age or a few years younger), triggers with the power of Administration of Furbies. This is a surprisingly dangerous power, and another one that makes Taylor the Unintentionally Creepy Girl. Also thinking that she isn't a Tinker, but can fake...
  14. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Inspired by a post elsewhere: The only survivor of Ellisburg is Emily Piggot, callsign Lady... for a sufficiently generous definition of 'survivor,' anyway. This was because she met a cape who didn't abandon them, though he claimed that he was just going for a very enthusiastic walk. Lady, now...
  15. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Yet another alt-power Taylor idea: The Three Little Bitches don't do the Locker. Instead, they continue messing with her roughly as normal, until she triggers from paranoia and stress. What she gets is a pretty scary power: to start with, she has the usual supermultitasking that QA powers...
  16. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Random weird thought: Amy isn't raised by any of the New Wave families, instead being adopted by the Stansfields. She is openly competing with her brother for Vickie's affections. Victoria is trying not to let it go to her head. (It's totally going to her head, and everyone knows it.)
  17. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Oh, I agree, hence my saying that there are holes. Amy is probably less difficult, as she wasn't adopted by the Dallons and presumably not be the Pelhams (as I had her first meeting Vickie in juvie), so basically any upbringing can be invented through changing the last fight with Marquis ('the...
  18. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    An idea that needs more development, partly because there are holes in it: Amy is never adopted by the Dallons. The first time she meets Victoria is when they're both in juvenile hall, at the same time and place as Rune (who may have different powers due to this - in fact, they probably all...
  19. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Taylor triggers earlier, and under different circumstances, thus gaining a different power: Administration of the Senses. She can perceive though the senses of living things around her (including senses like proprioception, that tend to get ignored in stories like this, as well as parahuman...
  20. Prince Charon

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Imagine, if you will, that you are in the Image department for Brockton Bay's Wards team, and have been assigned to help the newest Ward make her PR-unfriendly power acceptable to the public, without limiting her so much or so annoyingly that she either decides to quit, or becomes outright...