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Search results for query: *

  1. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Make the dark side a completely different person kind of ruins it for me. Shards aren't that unsubtle even in the worst cases it basically relies on induced mental illness. It also doesn't fit the themes of star wars. The darkside isn't an external force that takes you over it is you embracing...
  2. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I'm not blaming anything on Simurgh. I'm just pointing out that a entity that bases it's entire strategy and behavior patterns on complex multistep plans aided by precog may actually be capable of basic subterfuge. Going dormant gave her access to Taylor, Lisa, and lots of tinkers who weren't...
  3. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    That isn't the best evidence as it could be Simurgh trolling. Better evidence is the Eidolon clone the Simurgh made. It would still be her trolling but the evidence is fairly good. Wildbow has also commented that without Cauldron there would have been no Endbringers so we know it is their...
  4. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Why would Contessa be unable to kill Taylor without harming Cauldron's interest. She has path to victory. She can easily set up a proxy death or arrange for her to die during one of her ops, or any other covert method. It isn't like Cauldron is even close to being Taylor's only enemy especially...
  5. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    This is a bit too magicy and flexible to be a worm power. Maybe make it more like a Dauntless Othala merger where she empowers objects using one of a list of concepts she has to work with but only one object can have an specific concept at any given time and they manifest differently in each...
  6. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    My rules for a good protagonist power is that the core concept needs to be simple enough that the reader can wrap their head around it very quickly but has enough neuances that they can still learn more about it or its appications well into the story. It also needs to be flexible enough to get...
  7. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    You just pointed out they let S-class threats lie if they don't threaten cauldrons plans. Taylor actively supports their goals, and lots of nice minions. Murdering her children/sisters by the thousands is a pretty damn clear betrayal. Clones are humans by any sane definition of the term. The...
  8. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    This is literally the exact opposite of Cauldron's goals. Cauldron wants as many capes active as possible to send against Scion and as many of them as possible under their control. Taylor her is a cape that gets stronger without any known limits and provides a giant army of loyal low power...
  9. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Dragon wasn't capable of building those until Defiant started to jailbreak her as they require some automation to function. They are also massive tinkertech devices which require a prior relationship with the villain group to make the pickup. Normal villain groups won't make the cut for pickup...
  10. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Endbringer battles are over in a couple hours. Unless a team has access to parahuman transport faster than anything possible through modern science they can only travel to battles that are fairly nearby. The Protectorate probably has enough movers to make a good appearance most anywhere but...
  11. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Just having her collapse from pain would serve as a good bookend for the scene. She isn't going to doing much in the immediate future and a general outline of events can be stated or implied in the following scene.
  12. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    The blackout because of injury and waking up later is mostly a myth that comes from fiction using it as an excuse to not really finish a scene. In real life if you black out you aren't just in bad shape you either have a serious head injury or are in great danger of dying from blood lose or...
  13. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Ironically the actual Luddites weren't anti-tech they destroyed equipment to protest abusing labor conditions, business practices and how employers were using the machines as an excuse to treat lower classes like animals. The word has changed meaning over time to the current use.
  14. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Wildbows comments on Earth Bet. They are less centralized because people are fleeing cities.
  15. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Your starting premise is wrong. In worm cities are shrinking because people are afraid of living in endbringer targets. BBs problem is that the people there are too poor to move.
  16. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Actually Wildbow heavily implied that Glory Girl got her aura from Dean being nearby during her trigger event. The thing to keep in mind is that the look for advice and information but it is still the same shard creating the power. That means even with pings they won't get anything they...
  17. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Actually how are you planning on people getting xp and how quickly does it build up into real levels of power? If getting xp is easy you will have literally everyone gaining superpowers which would be a mess to keep track of if everyone is capable of destroying city blocks cities won't last long...
  18. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    The problem is that if everyone can just get superpowers easily then the police and military will be able to deal with it just like they do in real life. It won't be a handful of random people with power it will be whoever has the time, resources and willingness to farm xp. That means that the...
  19. cyberswordsmen

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Making it everyone would give you too many capes and power to keep track of in the story and you can't really work a superhero/villain dynamic when everyone is on the same playing field. Maybe most people are lvl 0 NPCs that follow the mechanics but can't gain xp untill they get a dramatic...