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Search results for query: *

  1. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    The idea of Danny desperately raiding an E88 storehouse for weapons seems like it would make an interesting event to write out. Eh, no offense but there's not really enough to judge yet.
  2. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    And on a completely different subject, I had an idea a long time ago that I never did anything with. Given what happened today, I feel this is an appropriate time to post this. ------------------------------ Taylor walked slowly through the dark corridor, the power to the overhead lights...
  3. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Alright, so I'm trying to work out how the mechanics of the game would work to make this story idea work. I have a few ideas, so someone stop me if anything sounds too nonsensical. 1) At character creation, a person can take 2 power classifications, one primary and one secondary. Their...
  4. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Perhaps it would be better that just have all of the government sponsored teams/players be 'heroes' and have it be a propaganda thing, where they use hero teams to give themselves more of a look of fairness when the deck is stacked in the government's favor in basically all disputes they...
  5. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Alright. So I sort of have an idea for a very AU setting for Worm, based on an interesting novel called Epic that I read a few years back and just dug out again on a whim. It's after the end. War, terrorism, and disease have long since decimated the world population. And while the troubles...
  6. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    The Miskatonic University has at least one version in perfect condition as part of their 'special' collection. I believe their version is Greek because there isn't a known surviving copy in English. John Dee did make a full English version at one point though, so it's not like there aren't...
  7. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I've been feeling sort of Lovecraftian recently. Then I learned that there's a spider god that I hadn't heard of before. Sooooo.... maybe Taylor is the incarnation of strange dreamlands spider goddess. Needs more fleshing out but I'm not sure where I want to take the idea yet. Just feeling...
  8. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    What the actual fuck?!
  9. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    So I have a sort of outline for We're All Mad Here worked out. At least for the first part. Then some general ideas for the story to move on from there. Would people be down to help with so critiquing and the like?
  10. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Taylor woke to the sensation of falling. The world seemed to spin around her as she tumbled down, images flickering past her much too fast for her eyes to catch. Below her, she could see a checkerboard floor growing closer and closer. She closed her eyes, bracing for impact. Suddenly, a gust...
  11. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I'm not sure Coil would make a good Two-Face. He cheats way too much. If Two-Face tell you he'll let you live if the coin comes up heads, he actually lets you live. If Coil tells you that he'll let you live if the coin comes up heads, he makes an alternate timeline where the coin is tails...
  12. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I might, might not. I was kind of throwing it out there to see if people thought it would work. I brainstorm better with input from other people.
  13. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    So I've had an idea recently. Basically, Taylor goes very, very insane inside the locker and triggers with very different powers. I'm not going to beat around the bush. She triggers as the fucking Joker. She has two powers that are basically unrelated. First, she's a Tinker who makes Joker...
  14. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    That... is not quite what I had in mind.
  15. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Hmmm, okay, so I have an idea that's been sitting around for a while. It's a sort of Worm/Fate/Stay Night crossover, but I'm hoping it's different from the usual 'Taylor gets a servant' or 'Taylor gets a servant's powers' kind of story. Basically, she gains access to every Noble Phantasm. Of...
  16. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Hmmmm, I kind of want to do this Worm/XCom thing, but I don't know much about the games. Anyone interested in helping?
  17. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Given that the Ethereals are trying to make a psychic species superior to themselves for some nebulous, unknown purpose, the lore could actually integrate really well with Xcom. And Taylor being the first true psychic on Earth would be fun.
  18. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Okay, I have a plot idea that I don't think I've ever seen before. Ever. So, we know that Worm's universe has had extraterrestrial species before, because the Entities have done their cycle on plenty of planets before. Here's the idea. Not all of them just took it. Some species of aliens...
  19. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I barely have an opinion of Dinah. She's more plot device than character. I just find it aggravating that she's never assigned her share of blame for the Arcadia incident which is, in my opinion, one of the most egregious moments of total hypocrisy and unacceptable behavior that the...
  20. kamenhero25

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I never said she's a heartless bitch. I said she is morally responsible for her own actions. You're putting words in my mouth in an attempt to discredit me without actually arguing my point. And given the fact that we see her immediately afterward and she's perfectly fine and very firm in her...