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  1. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    So I do plan to get back to my actual stories at some point, but I just got back from a trip and I'm too tired to write anything long, so have a little idea I came up with. The Superman The Entity's avatar stared off into the horizon. The planet's orbit had begun to rotate the local star out...
  2. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    It did remember? That was one of the things that we're told happened in the past, one of the first capes is killed by a bat to the head in a riot. Thing is while a gun can kill most capes they can kill you a lot faster and in larger numbers. Guys like Kaiser and Skidmark would be total gore...
  3. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Previous Sound Reasoning 2 Flying was a strange feeling I decided. Part of it was the sense of being weightless, part of it was the speed of it, and a big part of it was the fact that for the first time in weeks she couldn't feel her power at work. This high up there weren't any bugs for my...
  4. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Thanks for the information. Should be fixed now.
  5. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Taylor's brain is having to manage at half speed at the moment.
  6. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Part 1 So I figured that I should put the next part up here as well. Prey No More 2 1:00 am Sophia Hess AKA: Shadow Stalker As much as Sophia loved being a hero, it had its share of downsides. The one she'd call her least favorite was all the sitting around waiting for things to happen...
  7. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Well Clock was nearly drowned in canon. I mean she played a big part here, distracting him from the shelter, coordinating on the fly with Sophia and being the one to strike the killing blow.
  8. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Skitter was the one that threw it as Sophia phased it midflight thanks to a spider thread attaching her to the Halberd.
  9. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Man this took awhile. Good thing I had the day free. *Looks at the barely started chapter of HNID*...yep no obligations at all. This one is going to be a bit rough, and might make a lot of people mad, but it's all in good fun. Well...Shit Impossible. That was the first thing Tattletale...
  10. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    You had something up until this point. I for one couldn't see Taylor having any reaction beyond "You deserve each other" and I really can't see Sophia deciding to keep Taylor quiet through murder. The thing is with Abusers like Sophia would be they don't see their actions as all that wrong. They...
  11. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I don't have the creepy version anymore. It was rewritten into its present form. The major difference is that Sophia is more aware of Emma not going along with it and ignoring it because she feels she's earned Emma's affections no matter Emma's feelings on the matter.
  12. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    So a little bit ago I updated my story Phobophobia on SB/SV. Well during the writing for that chapter I ended up cutting a scene in the end due to feeling it didn't really fit where I wanted the story to go. Still not one to destroy old writing I figured I'd put it here as a non-canon omake. Why...
  13. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    The one issue with that comic is that raw numbers is the least that heroes should care about. It's like the story of the Starfish thrower, yeah in the grand scheme crime might not go down, but that doesn't diminish the importance stopping crime would have on the would be victims.
  14. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Were you expecting to be proven wrong?
  15. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

  16. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    I argue the opposite. Like if my friend told me he got a bunch of roofies to rape some chicks at a party I don't think I have any obligation to protect him. Or to be more grounded, if a buddy showed me his gun and said he's off to rob a 7/11 calling 911 is better than just shrugging and saying...
  17. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Because I've had this argument a million times and it always goes the same way I go: "Crime is wrong" someone chimes in "What about Jim Crow? Were you ok with that? Because being against bank robbery is exactly the same." Then I go "No it's not" Then they go "Ha so you do admit sometimes it's ok...
  18. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    Well because robbing a bank is a crime and people could get hurt, while turning them over to the cops is in fact the lawful thing to do and will result in few if any innocent people being hurt. And before you bring up unjust laws like Jim Crow, They aren't MLK and robbing a bank isn't the same...
  19. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    You'd admire a bank robber over someone that would stop a crime even at a great personal cost?
  20. volantredx

    Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

    How is letting people who trust her commit a crime better? Like if your friends are out to rob a bank not telling the cops isn't a good thing to do.