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Search results for query: *

  1. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Day 6 Prepare Barricades NPCs: 50 (2 days) PCs: Everyone i guess...
  2. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Day 5: Archery Training NPCs: 10 villagers PCs: Tyrion does this Scouting NPCs: 20 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before) PCs: Dinn (Taking 10+15 for auto success) Combat Training NPCs: 20 villagers PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day...
  3. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Day 4 Archery Training NPCs: 10 villagers PCs: Tyrion does this Scouting NPCs: 20 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before) PCs: Dinn, Chandra(aid another) Combat Training NPCs: 20 villagers PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day to get...
  4. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Modification of Merior 's plan above with corrections for rules Day 2 & 3: Flooding the Fields NPCs: 20 villagers PCs: If anyone has Knowledge(engineering) then they should help. ----------------(2 defense points) Scouting PCs: Dinn ----------------( +9 modifer for the 2 days)...
  5. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Not really any reason, no. I didn't actually check the srd for their classes and i didn't remember they are simple either. Can you do craft untrained? not sure if it is or isn't one of those skills.
  6. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Also Merior Archery training requires proficiency in Light crossbow, which i believe is either you or Chibi only. Not competely sure because only me and you put our proficiencies in our sheet D: If we get all the combat training done by the 5th day we might consider the barricades. Which...
  7. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Merior Xicree has +5 CHA so should do the melee training and simply take 10 on intimidate for the bonus. Since Elon can only train one at a time if you do melee training on 2 groups at a time he can train 1 one day and the other the next to get the bonus on both. Also They can only have 2...
  8. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Saturday pathfinder plan 50 workers Day 1 >Harvesting 45 villagers harvest Chibi harvests, taking 10 on nature check for 18 to count as 10 villagers Komana, Chandra, and Elon harvest counting as 15 villagers 70 villagers worth of harvesting, Harvest finishes today >Scouting 5 villagers...
  9. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    ... oops. working on one now
  10. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    One of these must be wrong, which is it.
  11. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Shopping list 2PP – Wand of Cure Light Wounds 932.88 GP Current ----------\ 50GP Potion of Mage Armor 1x 100GP Potion of Ant Haul 2x 100GP Potion of Shield of Faith 2x 340GP Masterwork Cold Iron Rapier 50GP Masterwork Backpack -640GP ----------\ SELL 1GP Backpack 5GP Short Sword 5GP...
  12. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Also i have no need for that loot from the last fight so i say sell it and split the golds
  13. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    day job roll 941
  14. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Rolls going here
  15. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    a2znut shopping list Current moneys =855.13 Buy 5x Trail Rations 2.5gp Masterwork Thieves tools 100gp 5x potion of mage armor 250gp 2x potion of CLW 100gp 2x Bandolier 1gp -453.5gp Sell Item | gained coin Lantern, Bullseye 6gp Cold-Weather Outfit 4gp Winter blanket 0.25gp Thieves...
  16. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    [X] sell the boots ill make a shopping list once i know if i have money from he boots to spend on it.
  17. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/boots-of-the-winterlands They exist to be sold for more gold :cool:
  18. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    [14:20] <+Dreadis> roll 1d20+2 dayjob [14:20] <+qqbot> Dreadis rolled 1d20: 17 = [15] + 2
  19. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Would prefer to keep the cloak. don't have any problem with anyone taking the boots, and sell the junk.
  20. Dreadis

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Diin_PF shopping list Masterwork Darkwood Shortbow (30+300+20) -350gp weight 1 Lamp oil -0.1g 1lb Bullseye Lantern -12g 3lb sell shortbow +15g sell sunrod +1g sell dagger +1g total cost 345.1GP