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  1. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Dreadis, is there a reason you tagged me in two sequential posts? Fair enough. I have no idea the details of other people's character stats and was expecting them to chime in about such matters. Somehow I got the numbers confused there so I do apologise. Unless I've misread something light...
  2. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    It seems okay to me. I'd suggest the following to hopefully get the best number of defence points: Day 2 & 3: Flooding the Fields NPCs: 20 villagers PCs: If anyone has Knowledge(engineering) then they should help. Scouting NPCs: 10 villagers PCs: Dinn Archery Training NPCs: 10 villagers...
  3. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    I would suggest that, for the moment, we keep hold of them and have them used as need be by one individual at a time. A continual endure elements effect is nothing to be sneered at after all given how often we seem to be up in unpleasent environments. Sorry for this being a bit later than it...
  4. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    And, since I've been reminded of this, there is something I need to do and that is replace the week of trail rations which were in my Pathfinder's Kit but which Komana ate in the last scenario: 3.5 gp spent on 7 Trail Rations.
  5. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    I offered to pass, but nobody responded so I assumed otherwise. OTOH, I can put it 'back in the pool' and would be fine with that even IC.
  6. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Given how valuable, and expensive, they would be then I would be fine not taking any of the cash if this happened.
  7. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Looking through my equipment I've already got most of the basics in my Pathfinder's Kit (which includes, amongst other things, a week of trail rations). I'm also wanting to keep her in her light load so I need to be careful. Winter Blanket 5 sp 3lbs Cold-weather outfit 8 gp 7lbs Climber's...
  8. Merior

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread Isn't this something which the Day Job rules (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play p21) are supposed to cover?