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Search results for query: *

  1. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Be ready for the dildo Keyblade mods.
  2. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    I quite enjoy those mobile city building games, but unfortunately most of them have a shitty competitive MP mode that forces you to play constantly to watch out for other players raiding you. Anybody know of any good ones without it?
  3. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Meh. I lost interest in ever playing it when they added a shitty unneeded MP.
  4. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    It also answers some questions from Robocop 3 like what happened to the original CEO of OCP.
  5. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Considering she is pretty cute, I'm suprised there isn't already a ton of porn of the Princess from Slay The Princess. And that isn't even getting into some of her other forms.
  6. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    DD also lets you fuck an elf, lizard or skeleton girl. :V
  7. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Jesus Christ this woman makes Juri look like a bastion of sanity.
  8. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    She has two holes they can share.
  9. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    I know it probably won't happen, but I think it would be something different if GTA6 had an option where either main character could walk into a strip club and perform for some extra cash. Hell now that I think about it, imagine if RS had the brass balls to let the female MC whore herself for...
  10. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    I have no interest in the game itself, but I still find it hilarious that they used THAT meme to advertise it.
  11. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    So apparently FF16 is going to have 'partial nudity' in it. I know that could mean a lot of things, but I would be legit surprised if we ended up actually seeing naked boobs in a Final Fantasy game.
  12. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    One reviewer got super salty because not only did Luca tap that Umbra ass he also:
  13. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    I find it hilarious that when the trophy list for the TLoU: Part 1 come out, there where people on Reddit that where legit pissed that there wasn't trophies for Grounded and Grounded+.
  14. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    That makes me (and my dick) happy to know. :V
  15. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    The most important question is does Chun Li still have thighs you can crack a solid metall ball with?
  16. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    By the look of it you can customize the other three characters as well to some extent. Hopefully that includes clothing so I can we can run around as 'The Naked Saints' gang. :V
  17. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    People are going to get some pussy. :V
  18. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Halo: The Series trailer.
  19. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    I find it fucking hilarious that in Doom Eternal most of the world has been taken over except for Australia. I guess even the demons of Hell don't want to face our wildlife.
  20. AllyDoodle

    Video Games General

    Does anybody know how badly the Skyrim update broke mods?