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Search results for query: *

  1. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    So, bit of a question. My birthday was earlier this month and I've got some loose change from it. Lucky for me, the Switch has a sale for the Atelier games right now, which I've been meaning to get into for years now. I played Atelier Iris 2 way, wayyyyyy back in the days and I've wanted to...
  2. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Finally, a FPS that's canon accurate when it comes to the Space Marines' physical abilities. :p
  3. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    I can only hope they take advantage of the situation to get rid of Genesis.
  4. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    What's great is seeing GW using their IP for something productive for once.
  5. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Nope. Explicitly before Metroid 2. In a way, the Prime games cover Samus' adventures chasing down all the Space Pirates ships that escaped Zebes with Metroids aboard, as indicated at the beginning of the first Prime game. Once she's done with THAT, she goes to SR388 to finish the job at the...
  6. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Aside the fact that you can stack your buffs, that ultimately just mean you need to cast them every other turns. Same with debuffs on enemies.
  7. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Atlus is pissing me off. I mean, really, locking the Demi-Fiend boss battle behind a fucking paywall ? Fuck you Atlus, fuck you very much.
  8. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Well, for one, this is a Video Game thread. When people ask about games here, that's usually what they're referring to.
  9. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Oh shit, it was today ? SWEET!
  10. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Dude, that's still on you. It's hardly the devs' fault that you're playing the game without using the full range of tools they've provided you. You made that choice yourself. Fact is, Metroids has tons of auditory aspects to its gameplay. Counters have a sound cue distinctive enough you can...
  11. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    I'm sorry, but not recognizing the very distinctive PING sound the missiles makes when they hit during that phase is the same as every other instances where they hit an indestructible part of a boss is on you.
  12. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    So, basically, your biggest bone with the game is that it's not Prime.
  13. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    None of the 2D Metroid ever included any health bar. :rolleyes:
  14. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Dude, even that sequence (and yes, I do agree it's the hardest of them) isn't anywhere near the sheer bullshit Romhack are made from. You're either seriously overestimating Dread or seriously underestimating what the average Romhack is like.
  15. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Dude, I've 100% the game even tough my reflexes are utter shit and I keep mixing up button inputs. Now, the Sequence Breaks, those are Frame Perfect, but the normal puzzle aren't that hard. And they're nowhere near Rom Hack grade hard.
  16. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    So, the thing is, Shoot Block get obliterated by the Speed Boost, so you don't need to shoot them, you can perform a slide right through them. Speed Sliding is also fast enough that you can slide over Crumbling Block before they disappear, so you don't actually need the Cross Bomb to resolve...
  17. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    The NW one. You have to start your run from the tram station close enough to the door so it doeasn't close itself. Once you get inside the building, you need to jump over a gap, jump again to bounce against the oncoming wall and then immediately enter a slide once you hit the next platform. Keep...
  18. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Finally getting them right feels good though, right ? Like, that one near the entrance of Feneria, where you need to bounce from a wall and then immediately perform a long speed boosted slide was just slick, you know ?
  19. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Got you beat, I just finished the game half an hour ago with 100% items. Took 12 and a half hour total. Holy crap the last boss is fucking hard. I am NOT touching Hard Mode, fuck that.
  20. Deathwings

    Video Games General

    Holy shit, Metroid Dead is fucking AWESOME. Fuck, I remember a comment on Youtube about how Nintendo's marketing made it look more like an horror game and goddamn that was on point. I fucking hate (in a good way) those fucking robots. Dammit Nintendo, I finally kicked my newly acquired phobia...