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  1. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Never played AC4 since I stopped after like AC2 so for me the last good pirate game that I've played was Sid Meier's Pirates! which was pretty much the definitive pirate game for me.
  2. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Seems pretty generic to me with the pirate flavor just being an basic aesthetic for your usual 4X gameplay.
  3. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery
  4. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Managed to beat The Forgotten King on my first try in ChronoArk since I got really lucky with my build. It was close but I managed to pull it off all the same. ...I probably won't be able to achieve it a second time quite so easily.
  5. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    ...it had lower gravity? I honestly didn't even notice. But, I tend to stick to the ground a lot. No issues with the bosses blending in for me at least. Had to Hard Lock on them though since I couldn't keep track of them otherwise.
  6. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Just finished my third playthrough of Armored Core 6. It was a lot. Managed to just rush through the second and third playthroughs really quickly though. Pretty burned out on it now though I definitely enjoyed it even if I know I didn't manage to get all the collectibles. Mostly went with dual...
  7. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    He's a GMPC. Trying to fight against him is like going against Caine in WoD or the Lady of Pain in Planescape.
  8. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Elden Ring. Need to wait till Baldur's Gate gets a definitive edition before I'm going to bother getting it.
  9. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    ...How do you fuck up that badly? I mean it's Paradox so my expectations are pretty low already but they've somehow managed to not even reach that.
  10. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    That's a shame. I really enjoyed Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005) since it was pretty fun to play.
  11. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Blasphemous 2 is okay but Hollow Knight is still the best Metroidvania that currently exists.
  12. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    After further consideration I'd say that holding off on BG3 till the Enhanced Edition comes out would be best. It's pretty much the same exact situation that happened with DOS2 where they just completely fucked out Act 3 and shipped it out half-baked.
  13. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    My main complaint with BG3 besides a few different QoL issues would be how you can only have four members in your party at a time. It really should have been five instead imo. There's already a mod which does this so I just need to wait till it comes to Steam at least.
  14. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    If anything the game needs less rolls rather than more.
  15. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    I'm playing BG3 now as a Battlemaster Fighter and it's really fun. Gotta admit I'm pretty tempted to switch to a Warlock or Barbarian but I'm managing to resist the urge so far. An Oarhbreaker Paladin is pretty tempting too. I do wish they let us have five part members rather than though.
  16. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Anyone play BG3 now that it's out?
  17. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Just finished Ultrakill and it's great. I think that I still like Dusk a bit more though. Might try HROT next. Has anyone here played it? If so how does it compare to Dusk and Ultrakill?
  18. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    No, I've never had an issue with that.
  19. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    Dwarf Fortress (Steam) is fun but damn they could take a few tips from Rimworld on the UI. Menus nested in menus nested in more menus not to mention certain things being tedious as hell.
  20. Lykaia

    Video Games General

    I played the first one and didn't really care for it. The levels got really repetitive while the plot and characters just didn't interest me. There are much better roguelikes out there than Hades.