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Search results for query: *

  1. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    I'd never skipped ahead in Mandalore vids before but that cutscene dialogue was too much for me. It was genuinely awful. Otherwise well, that old image of ripping the skin off of something and wearing it as a suit probably describes the game's story when it comes to calling itself homeworld.
  2. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Well, there's a new Mandalore video and it's about Homeworld 3 and well, having seen it and what news I've heard about it I am convinced HW3 is a botch job because holy shit what were they thinking? https://youtu.be/nuC2I8s6qf8?si=opJzCTmpG-sITe1U
  3. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Ah. That might be an issue. It's one thing to get interesting scenarios, it's another to compete with the likes of Catecylsm. Of the games that I know of with campaigns, the first dawn if war and it's expacs had pretty good work up till soulstorm. Battlefleet gothic 1 and 2 have campaigns with...
  4. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    It'd probably help to explain what you mean by story campaign. Do you want dialogue and plot or challenging scenarios that are more then just build and destroy? Would this be it?
  5. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Or you've got the paradox issue where the game needs to be played in ironman for it to count your achievements. With the obvious problem that not everyone wants to play in ironman just to collect achievements. (Also there's a chance they only got the base game so that getting mods onto the...
  6. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Eh, cooperation between coalitions is a tough ask at the best of times. Even if everyone actually cares about the fight in question history has many cases of such affairs falling apart or being unsustainable. I think the funniest case is when the Crusaders and Mongols tried to cooperate but...
  7. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    In silly news, EA Sports WRC forgot leap years existed so their game crashes on startup unless the user sets it to March 1st.
  8. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    I remember when Postopia used to be a thing. Literally a website full of cereal tie in games (you could even use codes from buying cereal for in game perks) that had a lot of Hanna Barbera games on them like the Flintstones. Lotta good games there.
  9. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Dominions. A turn based strategy game that lets you play as several civilisations based on mythology. Early age Ermor is basically Rome around when christianity is taking over but it's in middle age when it gets spicy since that's when you get MA Ermor where backstory wise the empire was in...
  10. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    You know, if I had a nickel for every game that let me play as undead romans I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it's happened twice now.
  11. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Yep, same Tyson Yen as you see in the credits. It's great.
  12. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    So I was watching AC6 videos and I came across one using a Metal gear rising parody song as it's background music which was sung by the vocalist of the original. And I figured I'd share since it's great Enjoy
  13. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    That depends more on how stealth and the answer to it works. As the first dawn of war showed, just because the engine has to know doesn't mean the ai is intelligent enough to actually deploy counters. So you got to see Tau stealth suits and their commander in campaign just tear apart the enemy...
  14. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    "Dammit man, you just cost us a cool few hundred dollars from plane enthusiasts who don't know how to use google!"
  15. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    "Give us the money or we'll release all the data on your upcoming games!" "Ha jokes on you scrub we have no games!"
  16. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    So, a bit of a background detail that's something of a spoiler for one of the AC6 endings:
  17. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    So on the subject of AC6, someone made some neat art of Ayre and Allmind.
  18. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Best part is that there were compilations of all bosses and endings in the story and a full playthrough of all the missions out on youtube out on the 25th and 24th of August respectively (editing the former out of the latter together likely took the dude some time). People are fucking fast when...
  19. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    Imma be honest, I'm not too sure it's that unintuitive. Even if you weren't an old fart who used to see vids of people doing meme things with blades in for answer, it's a helicopter. Of course if you can reach the thing with the sword it's going to take spectacular amounts of damage, those...
  20. Malcolmo

    Video Games General

    *Can show 20 minutes. My b on that one.