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  1. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Well, I DID finish on Challenge mode myself so if you feel stuck somewhere, I can help. Lord know some stealth segments at challenge are a tad frustrating, but I still overcame them.
  2. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    You sure you did not meant to post that in the Rants thread?
  3. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Hopefully, they decide to make the sequel story into a game too. Mendo, Jefuty and Lige are declared MIA at the end of it, supposed KIA, but I prefer to imagine they decided it was a perfectly good time to vanish from attention and live quietly after.
  4. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    No autosave between vines and slime pit parts, but stats look to be the same. Incidentally, I didn't even care for the vines myself. I killed the big ones so they could stop spawning new vines and injuring my group down there and used items for healing and scanners to help get to the heart faster.
  5. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    I mean the phase before that. I mean, for Challenge, she's at 99,999 HP before she tears up half the platform for tentacles. I wondered if it was lower for standard.
  6. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Standard?! But what about the challenge? The desire to challenge yourself? The feeling of bliss as you overcome adversity and triumph against the odds? How much HP does Sugar have on standard anyway when you enter the third part of that final fight?
  7. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Can always go on Challenge+ difficulty for it. Heck, items unlocked remain so you can rain cruise missiles from the getgo for lulz. Also, not enough content? Christ, the game lasted longer than most games do nowadays. Still, if you want something to aim at? My own score was 33,418. Almost hit...
  8. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Well, fun news: If you do actually do a new game +, game refunded you the parts for every item you hold as they dissaseemble them all. THey also refund you the tech keys. Why? Because items on NG+ have a level 4 tech level unlocked on that run. On top of it, Jefuty is given a OP weapon that...
  9. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    And because a campaign that ran that damn long is not enough? The fucking madlads included a secret in the game once done. They added the goddamn original Bakery Girl game in it too. Because why the hell not, right?
  10. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery You can find it on Steam. Edit: When game say 100+ hours of content... It's really for one full play. Game is that long.
  11. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    ...I understand this is QQ, but even I must be a tad concerned about you here.
  12. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    So if anyone imagined it was bad with eh above... It get worse. And I feel like sharing. Like, did they take inspiration from Resident Evil or something? [/spoiler] One may take issues with teh story, sure, but hot damn did they put a lot of effort in this. And to ensure they...
  13. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    It's not the full map either.
  14. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    By the way, if some of you wondered what the hell Guardian saw that made him want to immediately nuke the shit out of it... Here you go
  15. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Heh. I know the feeling. Have fun~
  16. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    I'm carving my way into chapter 4 myself. I got access to heavy turrets now and it's scary how much damage I can dish out now. Recon drone will spot any Werewolf commando under camouflage and the stun grenades fuck over those evasive guys as well. And Jefuty can dish out so much damage when...
  17. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Huh. Mystia Izakaya's Final DLC is out... And it came out already translated. Nice.
  18. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    I know, right? Challenge is hard. I know some bitch at the stealth segments, but fuck them. I for one enjoy firing up my neurons and cracking the puzzles. To quote what Yuhzong said years ago... 'I made a game, not a babysitting simulator'. Not only that, but that it's hard fit perfectly...
  19. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    As written on the menu. More foes that are also stronger and harder challenges. Also, no autosave at the start of each turn even as you keep your quicksave limit to once per turn. Advanced Challenge? NO quicksave. Only autosave at key parts in missions. I did read standard was seen as too...
  20. Megaolix

    Video Games General

    Oh hey, saw a video that showed what i talked about above, so I took a screenshot and added it to the spoiler if you wanna see.