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  1. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I didn't even know the games existed before I bought that one honestly.
  2. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I have that god damn game. I didn't even know it had boobies in it. I was on a rouge lite phase. I don't regret it because it's kinda cute.
  3. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I think the hentai games are censored on nintendo e-shop but they are there. Kinda mad they are basically spammed on the shop 2. Because they get in the way of looking for actual games then shit that looks like it was made in like 5 minutes.
  4. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I recently beat guardian tales world 13. The boss was much easier that world 11, like soooo much easier, I didn't die once. But I liked the boss much better. Instead of just a uber stat stick that feels like you need to pay to even stand a chance of winning, like all the passages are...
  5. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Eh, it's really only good for people who like deep diving for lore. Otherwise it's just rather generic horror and messed up themes for a game. Personally I would play the free version and buy the pay version if you like it.
  6. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Time for something that's off topic! That is all.
  7. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Yep, that's a pokemon game alright.
  8. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Really? That's hilarious!
  9. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    If you're rushing someone on diablo 2 be sure to listen to this song.
  10. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    They did? Nice.
  11. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Wow, they started censoring shit in the main version of the game? And they fucked with the balance that hard? Man, that sucks. Makes me want to play the main version even less.
  12. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Well, I have fun with champions battle. But I'm not going to play the main game on steam or whatever. Having fun is the most important thing in a game. -edit- It's kinda why I keep going back to runescape. >.> Even though It's become predatory with microtrransactions. Though you can spend...
  13. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Anyone play shadowverse on mobile or steam? I got a promo code that I'm never going to use for it after buying shadowverse:champions battle on the switch. I don't really want to play any other shadowverse besides that ironically enough. -edit- God I sunk a lot of time in the demo for it.
  14. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    "Sorry, but your princess Peach was stabbed in the back"
  15. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    The shantae costume is cursed. Saw a guy online with it wearing a sans head and shantae body. I really didn't need to see that.
  16. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    The entity is us. We make these characters dance for our sick pleasure. You want them to murder us?! This is a joke, don't know what the fuck the entity is in DoD. Besides people hanging on hooks.
  17. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I already made my opinion on this farce known in the videogame rant thread. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/videogame-rant-thread-rant-about-videogames-here.5013/page-278#post-3919783
  18. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    Considering what happened to fire emblem when they were let in smash, they'd be stupid not to. Being a part of smash really helps business, more exposure and people might buy more of the remake which stupidly only has the tutorial level on it. Plus it looks like Sephiroth is going to be the...
  19. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    I did not but I guess I should of because of final fantasy 7 remake.
  20. OverReactionGuy

    Video Games General

    It's on the newest version. The nether updated and there's new biomes but the structures weren't deleted so there's still a never hub.