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Search results for query: *

  1. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Anyone knows where to ask for little known games? I'm trying to find a Diablo-esque game that had a focus on magic. The catch being that the further you got into a school, the more the player character mutated to embody said aspect. I also recall that said game had a Harry Potter expy and a...
  2. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    "Aw shit! Here we go." - Carl "Sora" Johnson
  3. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    What's funny is there was that guy who made a post where he declared that he bought the trilogy on EPIC Games. Less than four days later, Steam announced this.
  4. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    That orc superviser can get it from me.
  5. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Gotta say, the 380mm Barrage in Helldivers 2 is fun, especially with that final ship module for the orbital cannons. Just pop one in the enemy's general direction and they are locked down for about 20 seconds. That doesn't like much, but these 20 seconds can make the difference between "Getting...
  6. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Closest thing I can think of would be The Surge 1 + 2, but I don't think that's what you are talking about.
  7. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    So, can you marry the anthro girls?
  8. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Nice! I got Alpha Protocol in my library, even finished it twice or thrice. One does notice it was more designed for consoles than computer, but it's still pretty fun. There's plenty of room for players to decide how they want to play and as Ben Crosshaw noted, the game has a lot of choices that...
  9. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    There's a porn partody of Papers please?
  10. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    What's vanillaware? Is that the name of the developer studio?
  11. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    The baddies how? The enemies appear to be oversized bugs and genocidal robot army.
  12. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    >plays a game with ludicrous customization >is surprised when characters get overdesigned.
  13. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    There was a new Deus Ex game in the works? Huh.
  14. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    EDIT: Actually, you know what? Forget I ever mentioned that name. It doesn't deserve to be even in the same post as the games you named.
  15. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Hey, did Sony recant the price increase for their Online Subscription or is it still at 80 € for a year?
  16. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    I still look back fondly on that Kellog's Action Adventure...
  17. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    I'm impressed you managed to get the games to show the inputs as playstation rather than xbox. Because I cannot figure out how to fix that. Please explain? Oh yeah, where all the rare hats were no longer so rare because... I think there was an issue with the spawn-rate of keys and suddenly...
  18. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    Personally, I hope that story leak about how the latina chick is three fries short of a happy meal because of her boyfriend is true. It'd be a riot to witness.
  19. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    They do? I should check it out then.
  20. Rakdos92

    Video Games General

    That's a fair argument and I agree with it. However, piracy is still necessary because 1) with the steam refund policy many games start to suck after 2 hours and 2) the good ol days of "try before you buy" with demos are a fading memory. A personal example: I was relucant on buying Cult of the...