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Search results for query: *

  1. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    I'll take a look. I really like Supreme Commander so that might be my cup of tea. It's hard in that I'm an oddball who doesn't like to play multiplayer. I much prefer single player story campaigns. So, yeah I'm weird.
  2. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Huh, it's been an age since I played those games. I remember the pathfinding being ass but I think I'll give it a swing. That and battlefleet gothic sounds fun. I've played the first one and ever since I refuse to believe the war was anything other the Admiral Spire kicking Abadon's ass...
  3. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    This. It's why I mentioned C&C and Homeworld. Both of which are awesome... For the most part. I know it's a rarity in RTS games but that be what I crave. As an aside, Tibirium Sun is hard. No wonder I never beat it as a kid.
  4. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    It's not a genre for everyone. I might check out mythology. This would be so much easier if they didn't tend to focus on the competitive scene so much.
  5. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Hey folks, I could use some help. I'm in a big RTS mood. Thing is I actually like good story campaigns with my strategy games. So, I was hoping someone would have an idea besides Command and Conquer or Homeworld. Because I can't find anything and I'm hoping someone knows of a hidden gem.
  6. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    So, I just tried Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. Mostly cause I think Homeworld 3 is going to be a train wreck. I, really like it. It's scratching that sci-fi strategy game itch and I think it's the one game where I actually watch the replays. See they use all these camera angles from the show...
  7. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Umm, no. The game only had a male Hacker. I just went into the game to make sure.
  8. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    From what I understand they are changing the Final Boss to be better, they should be adding in the map markers for easy mode, they are adding a female protag option. Diego is getting a buff. The recycler is going from 3 x 3 too 4 x 4. A bunch of bug fixes and quality of life things. Edit...
  9. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Terminator Resistance along with 1 and 2 make a really good trilogy. As far as I am concerned, there is no other movies. I heard the Robocop game was pretty solid too. Oh and some good news. They are finally patching the System Shock Remake on the 11th. It's honestly way past due.
  10. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    About 20 right now. Edit: The one in the beginning of the game. Is the one I'm talking about.
  11. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    That's the name! Yeah, something about their move set confuses my dumb lizard brain. The sentinel I can beat once I have leveled up Vigor some. Edit: It's not like I'm bad at Souls games. I beat Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne (didn't do the dlc on Bloodborne, was bored of the game at...
  12. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    I’ve actually beaten that thing before. Had an easier time with it then the riders in black (I forget their name)
  13. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Nah, you don't come off as condescending. I think part of it was I was in a really bad headspace the last few times I tried to play this game. Gonna be real, my anxiety was completely out of control. I'm better now, which is why I wanted to give this another go.
  14. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    The latter mostly. I've made it as far as beating Godrick but after that I just get lost in the freedom. Doesn't help that I want to do everyone's side quest. I'm normally pretty ok with games like this but something about Elden Ring's open world just straight up intimidates me. Might be...
  15. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Helldivers 2 has been an interesting experience. See, I loath online games. People are honestly the worst and they seem to like screwing me over in all sorts of interesting ways. But the community here has been pretty chill, the game itself is fairly fun. I've only had one moment where someone...
  16. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    It has consumed me. I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out good gambits and squads. I just made it to Drakenhold. I will say the boss of Chapter 1 kicked my ass hard.
  17. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    I need it! Oh that looks so good. Huh they made another game. UNSIGHTED I think I will check it out.
  18. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Threat Level: Absolute. Anywho, I got a lot of hope for this one. I need a new strategy game.
  19. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    Hey, I just repeating what the guy himself said. Also I loath GMPCs.
  20. Rivan9000

    Video Games General

    .... Oh. Yeah, Gorian's Ward is kinda terrifying when put into that context. Especially since the conversation took place right after I killed 2 dragons.