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  1. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    That's exactly why I like the idea so much. The last good pirate game I played was AC4, but that game's story is all about the end of the golden age of piracy. As much as it was a good game it was also a huge downer, like "Here's this awesome adventure setting for you to play around in oops it's...
  2. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Republic of Pirates looks pretty promising. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svKY0pe6Aa8
  3. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    I really want Skull and Bones to be good because I haven't played any good pirate games recently, but closed beta players seem to be saying it's exactly the mediocre-at-best game that its development history said it was going to be. :(
  4. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Super Robot Wars has historically been pretty great about stuff like that. Way back in the Alpha series Shinji got so much character development that he paid it forward by giving Kira Yamato a pep talk during the Gundam Seed storyline in Alpha 3.
  5. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    The trailers are the only important part of the game awards anyways, everything else is as meaningless as every other big award show.
  6. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Neat. Never played the original, but still neat.
  7. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    There's an Aerith joke in there I could make but it's too much low-hanging fruit.
  8. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    It's been sitting on a shelf at the store because I'm playing Horizon first. :V From the sound of things they've been having patch-related problems anyways so I can wait a while for them to iron things out.
  9. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Yeah but then I wouldn't get so much use out of the FINE, I'LL DO IT MYSELF meme.
  10. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Fable 3. The douchebag king you just overthrew was being a douchebag in order to gather resources and build up the military to fight the world-ending bad guy who's coming in 5-10 years or so. Now that you're the new king you get to be the hard man making hard decisions, and while it's not...
  11. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    On the flipside of that, I want more games where taking the "evil" route doesn't necessarily involve kicking puppies and being a douchebag for the hell of it, or endings where "kill the villain" doesn't involve your character instantly turning into a full-blown cackling Sith Lord when you've...
  12. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Hoooooooly shit, Nintendo just had a banger of a Direct. Still no Zelda because they're a bunch of cockteases but we got Xenoblade 3 and Fire Emblem Warriors 2 and a load of other stuff.
  13. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Nah, I just wasn't clear what sort of info you were looking for. It's not a difficult game, like brute7 said. New Game+ allows you to spend renown to unlock stuff like special items, unlock classes you unlocked previously, or raise the ranks of peoples' skills back to where they were in the...
  14. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    As little as possible so you go in unspoiled!
  15. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    I was hoping for Zelda. I did not get any Zelda. :( But the Sonic 2 trailer is pretty hype!
  16. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    I don't give a shit about the Game Awards but I do like how they've turned into a mini-E3 with new trailers and stuff coming out every year. Any last-minute predictions before the show tonight?
  17. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Lot of Gundam fans in this thread. I'm not surprised, but it did make me wonder whether we have a Gundam or at least giant robots thread in NSFW Creative Writing.
  18. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    On the subject of Gundams has anyone else been playing Super Robot Wars 30 since it came out? I've been having a blast with it, although I'm kinda put out that the OG mech this time is just a standard Huckbein.
  19. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Agreed, I have it installed on my iphone but all I can stand to do is simple errands that don't involve combat at all. PC all the way baby.
  20. Smuthunter

    Video Games General

    Super Robot Wars 30 is now available for pre-order on Steam. For the first time ever a mainline SRW game outside of the OG saga is available for purchase worldwide and in English, without even a need to pay extra to import it from Southeast Asia. Ever since I was a kid I genuinely thought that...