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Search results for query: *

  1. Velk

    Video Games General

    As hellish as that looks, it also looks awesome. What game is it?
  2. Velk

    Video Games General

    And yet the sun total of human wisdom can be boiled down to ‘Wait and Hope’.
  3. Velk

    Video Games General

    Cross posting from the SMT thread: Anyone know of a route through the last area of Okumera’s Palace? The place is kicking my ass and I can’t figure out how to get from the switch that opens the way to the treasure to the treasure itself. I like the aesthetic of the area, but this last puzzle...
  4. Velk

    Video Games General

    An intelligence on par with Creed, Outwitter of Gods.
  5. Velk

    Video Games General

    I know that this might have been mentioned before but who else is hyped for the Star Wars Battlefield Classic Collection being released in a few days on the Switch? I was only ever able to play it at a friend’s house a few times but I enjoyed it.
  6. Velk

    Video Games General

    Like Knights and Generals from FE. I only played a half hour(?), so I'm not deep into the demo in the slightest but what I have seen is very good.
  7. Velk

    Video Games General

    Tried a bit of Unicorn Overlord, feels like a less turn based Fire Emblem so far.
  8. Velk

    Video Games General

    Huh, I would have expected it to have happened sooner.
  9. Velk

    Video Games General

    Nice to have second vote of confidence in it. I was very interested in Yddgra Union years ago but never got to play it. Plus with a name like Unicorn Overlord… I was expecting something very different, mainly because I didn’t see the Direct for it.
  10. Velk

    Video Games General

    Is the demo any good?
  11. Velk

    Video Games General

    You willing to expand on this, because I have heard nothing about Helldivers. For me the ‘period-accurate’ flamethrower and clear lack of anting to do off the boat were clear enough signs that I didn’t even bother with the beta.
  12. Velk

    Video Games General

    Does anyone know the encounter rate for the Gryvain Techie in TiTS’ tutorial dungeon? I’m trying to grind out the Ancient Long Laser Rifle but I’m only encountering the salvager enemies.
  13. Velk

    Video Games General

    Let's put it this way, Eliminster is a 1162 years old Wizard in DnD. He is older than some Gods in DnD, he can throw down with the best of non-Gods.
  14. Velk

    Video Games General

    It was glitch or intentional mechanic that had each jump do about .1% more damage each time you used Jump in your play-through, a very minor thing but one that would endlessly stack.
  15. Velk

    Video Games General

    Do you know if Jump is still OP as the original or did it get nerfed?
  16. Velk

    Video Games General

    Assuming they are of equal interest? Baldur’s Gate.
  17. Velk

    Video Games General

    Anyone know if we have a Dragon Quest thread? I am trying to put together a list of unique rewards for the final floor bosses for Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince’s Dungeon/Gym DLC. This is what I got so far: Bag o’ Laughs and Bag ‘o Tricks is +500 Gold, Calypso Mole drops a scroll...
  18. Velk

    Video Games General

    ...The bar is so low that The Devil trips on it and they still find a way to go lower.
  19. Velk

    Video Games General

    Between Front Mission 1st and Front Mission 2, both are the remakes, which is better to play first?
  20. Velk

    Video Games General

    I have to throw in the towel with Monark, it has a lot of good elements in both story and gameplay but the GRIND is just too much for me. Having to grind for Spirit, the currency that is used to buy items, unlock skills and Level Up characters, so often grinds story progression to a halt as...