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Search results for query: *

  1. Video Games General

    Everytime I play crusader kings 3 I can't help but think of how much sex stories that can be written when you get tempted to get your character to be a playboy and start fucking all the woman.
  2. Video Games General

    Oh fuck the hell yes I need that.
  3. Video Games General

    If you have apple app store you can now play Nintendo retro games with this emulator. https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1780997517464760746?t=kZcs_hAueYfYaSEii45dIA&s=19
  4. Video Games General

    Wonder what new places Henry will get to be in. I saw crossbow being used in first person.
  5. Video Games General

    Whoops I didn't read the reply as I was following the posts.
  6. Video Games General

    I remember it's called emperor battle for dune. I think it's abandon ware now as I saw it there.
  7. Video Games General

    https://twitter.com/Dansgaming/status/1772983504860574170?t=VNxDbgwdlj4606BskkyhkA&s=19 Watching the interaction with the sphinx, I didn't realize it as a kid but knowing the art of the lewds I legitimately believe there's gonna be sphinx romance where after you win the riddle you can stop the...
  8. Video Games General

    https://www.eurogamer.net/epic-games-hacked-and-data-stolen-ransomware-group-claims Time to change your passwords if you have an epic games account.
  9. Video Games General

    Here you go enjoy. https://voca.ro/1jL8iMfjJ0wh
  10. Video Games General

    So is it like gladiator tournaments for wizards back in the day while other wizards watch pay per view as someone gets injured or killed?
  11. Video Games General

    I definitely should get AI for that.
  12. Video Games General

    Finally tried out Hogwarts Legacy and it really is the quintessential Hogwarts student simulator including being special like Harry but in the game's own way of making your character you made special. No wonder it was well received.
  13. Video Games General

    I'll take what I can get. Already happy enough with a King Arthur game where I play a badass Mordred with a baritone voice.
  14. Video Games General

    This looks hella interesting for that itch of awesome crazyness you get from palworld and helldivers 2. You pretty much go boomstick on the medieval locals and it sounds great. The isekai I was always looking in an anime but instead I get in a game.
  15. Video Games General

    Not a good year for game devs if you're in one of the famous brands.
  16. Video Games General

    Started playing path of exile and I can see why it is diablo's spiritual successor.
  17. Video Games General

    What was the first one?
  18. Video Games General

    Finally I get to play as an undead roman centurion or at least some undead roman with the tattered roman crested helmet just like Pious Augustus from eternal darkness.
  19. Video Games General

    https://twitter.com/valvesoftware/status/1725592806411088372 https://half-life.com/en/halflife25 Half life anniversary got some old goodies to share.
  20. Video Games General

    Try symphony of war nephilim saga. Oooo what a twist.