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  1. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7

    Back to the regular content for this chapter. @@@@@ The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: Sandwiches are not “w00t!” foods. @@@@@ Chapter 7 @@@@@ Lenore Zala slowly chewed her pizza as she waited for her husband to explain exactly what it was...
  2. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    Athrun is going to be important for the continuation of the Coordinators. Part of the problem is that I'm struggling to come up with ways to get some of the naturals involved with the shenanigans. It's why this story has taken a backseat to my Gundam Wing story. Which for better or worse, I've...
  3. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: Remember – alien sex is danger sex. @@@@@ Chapter 5 @@@@@ 5th of February year 71 of the Cosmic Era @@@@@ The ceasefire between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance was holding with few problems. Some of the front...
  4. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: For a corpse, she was surprisingly posable. @@@@@ Chapter 4 @@@@@ 16th of January in the year 52 of the Cosmic Era @@@@@ Dr. Ulen Hibiki typed away at the keyboard that controlled the genetic fate of his...
  5. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: Why is the Milka cow lilac? @@@@@ Chapter 3 @@@@@ The diplomatic channels were ablaze with communiques, something no-one in the political classes of either the Earth Alliance of ZAFT had seen in a long time. It...
  6. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: Come and touch. Don’t be scared… @@@@@ Chapter 2 @@@@@ Ensign Badgiruel glared at the restrained Athrun Zala before turning her attention back to the two senior officers. “Unfortunately, all the senior...
  7. Lord Raa

    [Gundam SEED] The SEED of Tomorrow

    A retooling of an idea I had some time ago. @@@@@ The SEED of Tomorrow By Lord Raa @@@@@ Disclaim-me-do: Funk knows no boundaries. @@@@@ Chapter 1 @@@@@ Year 71 of the Cosmic Era @@@@@ The pilots selected for the smash and grab raid on Heliopolis were...