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Search results for query: *

  1. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    “Questing” is basically roleplaying. Basically, a QM (quest master) writes a character doing things, and the players vote and discuss actions. “Commissions” are where someone pays an author to write a scene or chapter.
  2. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Greetings newbie, and welcome to our lewd pit of degeneracy! Please don’t mind the tentalces. Also, if you are looking for good stories, go to the NSFW CW index, they have a lot of recommendation threads. It might be useful to you for finding stories.
  3. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Go to the suggestions and bugs subforum, and make a thread asking them to change your name.
  4. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Ah, I see that you too are a person of culture.
  5. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Oh, I there. I have seen you around in various thread on spacebattles. I am glad you saw the light and joined this pit of depravity!
  6. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome to QQ! Don’t mind the tentacles.
  7. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    You claim to hate Rule 34, yet you are here, in Rule 34’s domain. Did you come here to fuel a hate boner? :D
  8. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome to QQ! Write about the Tentacles if you get the chance. :D
  9. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello lurker. Have you seen the tentacles yet?
  10. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Ah, I see that you too are a man of Taste and Culture.
  11. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Have you met the tentacles yet?
  12. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Me with a mere 3 tabs open:
  13. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Ah, look at that adorable avatar! Hellos.
  14. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome to QQ! Don’t mind the tentacles.
  15. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome back to QQ! Are you going to be active here, or did you just pop in to comment?
  16. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome to QQ! Don’t mind the tentacles.
  17. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Don’t mind the tentacle monster. It just wants a hug.
  18. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    We host an egregious amount of smut. Prepare your eyes to see some porn.
  19. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tentacle :V
  20. Autocorruptor

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Hello, and welcome to QQ! Please grab a tub of vaseline and prepare yourself for the tentacles.