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Search results for query: *

  1. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Well, that's one way to get ahead in life. But let's not lose our heads over your radical approach to relationship issues- given some of the stuff that goes on in this forum, it's not like we're head-and-shoulders above others in any meaningful moral sense. Tea would be nice.
  2. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    It is, isn't it?
  3. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Always nice to see a new face.
  4. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    ... Who, nao?
  5. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Yes. Horrible. I'm a horrible person. :D
  6. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Beware- 'Tis a trap! :D
  7. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    [Does not die when he is killed] Oh? Kukuku... Is that all?
  8. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    [Opens the door and drags Biigoh back inside] Oh no, you won't get away that easy! >:D
  9. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Wendigo myth? ... That'd be Hard Vore, wouldn't it? In which case it's pretty much just fetishized cannibalism.
  10. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Congratulations. Now all you need to do is kill 'Noise' and everything is fucked.
  11. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    You are indeed a twisted, twisted person.
  12. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Cool. Thanks for pointing that out.
  13. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Oh. Well, that makes sense. And now I feel rather stupid.
  14. Vindictus

    [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    Well, there is a smiling snake here~ So quick question- What is this CP you refer to in the TOS, because a quick google search only turned up something called 'Club Penguin' for me.