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Search results for query: *

  1. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Might I interest you in some Sockets? https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/general-qq-cyoa-thread.1263/page-1059?post=2616161#post-2616161
  2. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Yeah, SB likes to throw a puritanical fit about just how incredibly degenerate everything is over here. I mean, yeah, you have that occasionally, but it isn't consistent. I'm more fond of the reasonable administration than the smut tbh (though the smut can be nice).
  3. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Which one.
  4. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Hullo. Welcome to posting, we're glad to have you.
  5. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Yeah, that feels nice about the fiction here. Granted, the quantity is lacking, but the quality is generally at least decent. If I'm not vibing with a story, I just leave without commenting. You know, because I'm not an asshole.
  6. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Not sure if I said it here, but I think it was a Panacea (Worm) story that I followed from FF to over here. Fuck, it's been years and my memory is blurry as hell about it all, lmao.
  7. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    You're ours now, lmao.
  8. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    I remember a site where a guy posted all his NSFW fanfiction. Ranma, Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, Ah My Goddess. Even had a picture at the top of the page of him in front of his filled bookcases that was clearly a scanned and cropped photograph. It was old as fuck and based as hell. I have...
  9. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/members/kinkrow.316201/ Check my avatar there; it's a loli flirting with another. One time a guy threw a fit about it, I laughed at him, and nothing came of it. It was great.
  10. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    I've been rocking the Prisma Chloe 'so you want to learn dirty things' picture as my avatar since forever and it's great.
  11. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Sometimes it do be like that.
  12. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Welcome to QQ! Read the rules, specifically the bits about politics and thread necromancy. Those are the two that get people in trouble the most often. Aside from that, have fun. We like shitposting, lewd stuff, shitposting about lewd stuff, and making fun of prudes on other forums that...
  13. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    It's a shitshow. Just the way I wanted it.
  14. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    You can change that.
  15. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    Nooooo, you monster. You absolutely fiend. Or something.
  16. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

  17. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

  18. KinKrow

    How did you find QQ?

    I don't remember, but I can't escape. Send help.