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Search results for query: *

  1. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: 00:05 // Shall We Dance?

    00:05 - Sun, 25 Jan 2004 - 02:00 Shall We Dance? // This would be the part where you -- the beautiful, intelligent isekai heroine -- manage to unlock your god-granted magical talent; permitting the introduction of Norfolk crop rotations to the local populace, and thereby the salvation of...
  2. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: 00:04 // Stranger in the 25th Hour

    00:04 - Sat, 24 Jan 2004 - 21:30 Stranger in the 25th Hour // Being an intercity train on a weekend evening, the JR-West eight sixteen to Fuyuki should've been relatively commuter-free -- or so you anticipated. In practice, the expectations that you've carried from the States -- from the...
  3. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: 00:03 // Route 246

    00:03 - 24 Jan 2004 - 16:00 Route 246 // You've gone off on a limb -- on the off-chance that either the R.O.B. responsible for your predicament has a soft spot for lateral thinking; or that the world itself is a kindly, forgiving place -- amenable to the validation of your arbitrary...
  4. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)

    Well, there's a summoning cutoff at Feb 2nd, which is more binding than geographical restrictions. Canonically, Berserker and Saber were summoned in Germany, which is literally on the other side of the planet -- but that might be because Einzbern Castle is hooked up to the Grail. So, the answer...
  5. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: 00:02 // Blue After Blue

    00:02 - 24 Jan 2004 - 14:20 Blue After Blue // The German passport and driver's license, and the International Driving Permit that you find in your inner coat pocket were all within the past year issued to one Gabriella von Einzbern; and laminated with the same unflattering photograph of...
  6. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: 00:01 // Step in Now

    Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures. In one of them I am your enemy.   -- Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths (1941) 00:01 - 24 Jan 2004 Step in Now // You awaken to the chiming of clocks -- not of one, but of many. Uncomfortably sore, you push yourself upright...
  7. fallacies

    [Fate] Layer Zero / Terminus (Archive)
    Threadmarks: Index

    It's January 2004, and the curtain is soon to rise upon the War for the Fuyuki Grail. In a disused mansion somewhere in the municipality of Miyama, an extraneous element comes to awareness. The clocks have unto Zero begun their count. What will you do? // Layer Zero / Terminus a Fate Quest...