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Search results for query: *

  1. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 11: The Prince Has Left the Building

    Summoned by foul magics from the pages of the infamous Iconomicon, the book of books, I bid this dead thread ARISE. Pay no attention to the last twoish years. They mostly sucked anyway. Got more stuff coming for this and a couple other projects as well. “What do Lannisters always...
  2. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    I always encourage people to not be afraid of rewrites. They're generally worth it, provided you don't give up because the hassle of rewriting kills the project.
  3. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 10: Nope!

    xxxxxxxxx Chapter 10: Nope! Nope. Nope nope nooope. I shoved the letter into Sandor’s hands and headed for Cersei’s rooms. “Grab your shit, Sandor. We’re getting the fuck out of here.” Cayla practically danced with anticipation as Sandor briefly read the letter, then...
  4. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Eddard doesn't know, that's why he asked.
  5. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 9: We're all going to look back on this and laugh.

    ********* Chapter nine. We’re all going to look back on this and laugh. I kept the bow drawn, but lowered it to point at the floor. “Ser Selmy,” I began, “given the fact that we know Faceless men assassins to be a very real thing, we’ve already been attacked by people we thought...
  6. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Updated the chapter with fresh changes, correcting statements about armor and bows and Selmys. Basically changed everything after Eddard goes to get dressed. Please let me know what you think. If this is acceptable, I can finally update FFnet with the new chapter.
  7. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Eddard is perfectly willing to talk. Indeed, that's what he desires. But given how dangerous Selmy is, the ONLY way he'll be able to stop the man is if he shoots him before he gets within range. Also, pasting this explaination from other forums. I agree. Pointing an arrow at Selmy isn't...
  8. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8: Sure to be cleared up in no time.

    xxxxxxxxx Chapter 8: Sure to be cleared up in no time. Robert. My father. It’s weird, the whole second life thing. I mean, reincarnation is cool and all, but definitely not something I was prepared for. And my first father was basically perfect. I mean, words almost can’t...
  9. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Basilisk venom, and yeah, I confirmed it. Checkoved in chapter five with the stuffed basilisk. Eddard hasn't figured it out yet though.
  10. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    I edited the fight a bit to fix some wording and also show more of how Robert picked his targets. It should better indicate how Cersei survived.
  11. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    I think a certain amount of it was that Robert just didn't give a shit. He didn't maintain any spy networks, he left that to Varys. Arryn might have put some effort into his own informants, but he was probably less than subtle, relying more on his authority than covert ops, which he would see...
  12. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7: A Simple Misunderstanding.

    I rolled out of bed instantly and sprinted to the door, misjudging my steps in my grogginess and nearly sending myself sprawling as I hit the door frame with my shoulder, but managing to continue on. “SAAANDOOOOR!” I screamed, calling for help. I’m pretty good at instantly waking up...
  13. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Huh. I really did fuck that up. My fault for rushing trying to get it out before I went to sleep. Will fix. Thanks. Also I've been calling Jaime Jamie. Whoops.
  14. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    I could have worded that better. Yes, both parents have to have the trait but not necessarily express the trait. And I definitely should have put that there's no way to disprove Robert as Myrcella's father, but there is a way of disproving Tommen.
  15. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    It's perfectly easy to be genre savvy when you're not actually in the genre. Get in there, then get shocked, tipsy, and stupid, and you say dumb things. And yes, here we go again. Thanks. My urge to infodump is slowly being conquered by getting past most of the infodumps I want to do...
  16. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6: Crabpocalypse and Family Planning

    Lunch was held in a lovely veranda kind of area near the royal apartments. I left Cayla and Sandor behind to fend for themselves, not that that was any kind of hardship when both of them had the standing to order anything they wanted from the kitchens. Idly, I wondered if they’d eat...
  17. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    This is what I'm going for for her overall look. And in colors and a top similar to this.
  18. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Its on sb and sv. Remember, this is the sfw section of qq. QQ isn't just for porn.
  19. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Yeah, except he stupidly spent most of it getting Tywin to agree to let him kill the mountain and lorch, and publicize their crimes against ella martell as part of his efforts to make peace with dorne. Tywin let him do it, because for a valyrian steel sword, two assholes and a minor hit to his...
  20. Nugar

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    That's fair. But I didn't consider that, so this will have to be a bit of unreliable narrator.