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  1. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Why do you keep saying 'Ser Selmy?' The proper format would be 'Ser Barristan,' since that's his first name (a knighthood is not a doctorate).
  2. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Being unable to die can be a very bad thing, when you're in the hands of someone who wants to hurt you.
  3. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    There were plenty of other nobles in the court would could have benefited from letting that information out, though.
  4. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    They weren't terribly bright in canon, either, to the point that the deception holding as long as it did in canon bothers my SoD, even if we assume Varys was covering for them because his plans worked better if the kingdom collapsed later rather than sooner.
  5. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    Well, if SI-you ever needs a ginormous favor from his grandfather, he's certainly earned it.
  6. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    He shows good judgement, and is far more forgiving that Lord Vader I think most other Westerosi nobles would be, including many of the ones he's related to (I mean, I could see Kevan or Tyrion being that forgiving for the same practical reasons, but Robert has a hell of a temper, Tywin has this...
  7. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    I was referring more to his being deeply angry, because catching your wife fucking her brother is something that it's normal to get angry about, and in-setting, reasonable to be violently angry about. His reaction to the SI was not him thinking, it was him being too angry to think.
  8. Prince Charon

    [ASOIAF][SI] No Promises

    To be fair, Robert has good reasons, given both his personality, and medieval legalities and ethics.