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Search results for query: *

  1. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Well,they should react with suspiction - but their final reaction was funny. But also logical - they need all firepower they could gather here,even with Ancient warship in orbit. TCGM - you could welcome real elven princess from other dimension. And,when we are about it - get our here...
  2. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Well,Simurgh as part of his growing harem? why not? alien girl is must in every self-respecting harem of high school boy,after all. Now,all he miss is elf girl.
  3. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Certainly more useful.Or not? bugs gave her power to see and hear everything near her.Dunno if replicators could do the same.
  4. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Well,if i live there and want die painfully....
  5. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    And all thanks to bullies!
  6. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    You mean,bullied ?:sneaky:
  7. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    So,miracles on QQ happen.We have dead fiction alive again. Jokes aside - He could take one Endbringer,but their boss is something else.He still need more dakka. But,idea for running to other planet had merits. And,Dragon is cinnamon roll,you had it right. P.S Take me to your leader was...
  8. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Something like : SI dear Earh Bet citizen! i just destroyed Scion,so you are free to....fuck,where is the Earth?????
  9. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Great story.And SI is not silly overpowered,becouse when he could kill Endbringers,their creator is still out of his league.