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  1. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    I feel so sorry for Piggot in the next hour. She’s going to be so glad her liver works again.
  2. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Even at her processing speeds, she probably couldn’t do much more than convince the ship to maybe make her a new body via Replicators. Maybe. Ancient Tech is pretty off the walls crazy with how it’s genome locked and the various other stuff Entities don’t have a defense for.
  3. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Have you watched the film that spawned it? Also long and obviously things changed when it became a show, but a lot of the first part of SG1 is basically catch up of on the film.
  4. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    You forget, Weldon knew she was alive the whole time. The surprise is that she was able to get a body this fast, given her core was supposed to be under observation on the ship to see if he could rid her of the programming.
  5. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Rebecca’s body double being her from another reality that never got cancer is not one I’ve ever seen before, and yet it also makes more sense than anything else. Though President Brown… yeah, Director Costa Brown and President Brown have to be seen together, and the President being in the know...
  6. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Every time an SG team ends up in an alternate reality, it’s from an Ancient device and it’s always a crappy world.
  7. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    As of right now, it’s more “out of his range”. Transdimensional tech was one of the few things that Alterans never got to work on a consistent basis. Now if he was to Ascend he totally could wreck Scion’s shit, as Weldon would be functionally God. There are just a lot of risks to doing so, which...