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Search results for query: *

  1. badger.black

    Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Oh man, the fun just keeps piling up! It makes me happy to see Dragon get a body that can be human if she wants to, lord knows she is a better example of it them many people. Alexandria and company are likely losing there collective shit and have a desperate need to get control of the...
  2. badger.black

    Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    No, that puts them ahead of us. Just imagine what could be accomplished with all the time sank into making sure all the links on reddit aren't blue anymore! Who am I kidding, we would all still waste that time on cat videos and baiting Voidcowboy into another temp ban on PHO... If Japan...
  3. badger.black

    Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Oh shit. I forgot Ziz is lurking in the depths of his ship. As much as one can lurk when they are some exotic ball of matter chilling and waiting patiently in a medical lab. That is going to one hell of a thing to explain. Just imagine that Email sent off to your boss's boss's boss because it...
  4. badger.black

    Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Yay! It's back! Oh man, this is going to be all the fun monkey wrenches thrown in Cauldron's plans. New cape messes with your 'I Win' powered cape but at the same time he is the answer to the Endbringer problem you seem to be dealing with. Have fun figuring out what to do without the crutch...