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Search results for query: *

  1. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    It's a good thing that you reconfirmed this when you did, because otherwise the most recent interlude would have been horrifying enough to seriously make me consider dropping this story right then and there. But you did, so it wasn't. Hopefully this decision will be vindicated.
  2. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Just call it Old World. I'm a big fan of the prominence definition, which conveniently explains how Africa/Eurasia and North/South America are separate. Unfortunately, if you try to distinguish Europe from Asia with it, it turns out that Scandinavia is in Asia (the border approximately follows...
  3. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Yeah, when Alexandria's eyes were mentioned I expected that to come up, and was surprised that it didn't. ...Come to think of it, wouldn't "out of phase with reality" result in problems with powers? Seconded... I'm reminded of the Taylor-healing scene in Legion. This would probably have been...
  4. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    The way I understand it? The flute wasn't just a horrific event in her bullying. The flute was an important event in her upbringing - important enough that she'd plausibly use it for her PHO username, which was probably in use well before the horrific event happened (autumn 2010, I believe, so...
  5. Ancient Legos [Worm/Stargate]

    Watched, and hope this will be really nice. It certainly was so far. (Not on SB, by the way. I do have a SV account, though...)