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Search results for query: *

  1. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    I thought that was a given. I was making suggestions for the ACTUAL Ziz Plots, rather than the random 4th-dimensional warp fuckery that Ziz-sert can and will do.
  2. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    We should also do some targeted Telepathy. Make Amy be willing to use her power, and not be crushing on Victoria. Get Carol some therapy, like seriously. Make Calvert kill himself, complete with tearful tell-all suicide note. Turn down the smug on Lisa, and have her befriend Taylor. Have Piggot...
  3. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    "How dare you cancel Dadverary's favorite anime! To the bottom of the sea with you!" - Leviathan before the sinking of Kyushu, probably.
  4. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    It is possible to cause seizures in ANYONE using that technique. Epilepsy just makes it easier.
  5. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    Images switching too fast HAVE been known to cause seizures in humans. Because of Alexandria's differences and thinker powers, everything from perfect recall to enhanced cognition, she basically had a seizure without being able to properly do so, and was knocked unconscious by the resulting...
  6. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    Alexandria's powers include an in-built affinity for Cold-Reading. What Zizert was doing, was cycling through a couple of billion actions that she MIGHT take within a second, to the point where Alexandria got a headache simply because a Human is not designed to process information that quickly...
  7. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    Doomsday would take longer to destroy a planet, and can be beaten by properly prepared defenders. A better example would be DC's Darkseid, as he is a 7 foot tall, mind controlling world destroyer, with a kill aura. Basically Ziz plus Bemmy in a near-human sized body.
  8. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    O...K...? Someone is excited for the Smurf getting proper screen time, apparently.
  9. Jordisk

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    It does sound like a BB Expy. Also, did you just post on all three of TCGM's stories in a row?