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Search results for query: *

  1. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Yes. You may still be able to take them off, but it's all you.
  2. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    The bread that's a part of you? As you have become your avatar, the bread and the tray are you too.
  3. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Come over here and punch me you lazy fucker. :p
  4. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    It sounds like your problem is that you're kinda dim. Might want to work on that. :p
  5. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    If you become the avatar, you'd be Merlin and all those Fous too.
  6. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Oh come on, I won't hurt anyone! Look into my eyes. Do I seem like a bad guy?
  7. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    I'd say both. It's weirder that way.
  8. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Did the game ever say if there was any particular reason Amaterasu was a wolf, or was it just taken as given that Amaterasu was a wolf?
  9. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    I'm not the sun. I'm the son. It's in the name. :p
  10. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    I spend some time wondering how many people will notice that I have eyes
  11. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

  12. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    <ahem> Please be aware that the radiation given off by the Excessive Consumption Shintai can cause mutations, orgies, insanity, loss of virginity, cancer, drug addiction, nymphomania/satyrasis, and/or pregnancy. Do not expose yourself to the Star of Indolent Excess if you are pregnant or...
  13. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    My Infernal player character from many years ago. He went Devil Tiger and reforged himself as a symbol of indolence and excess. The pic would be more accurate if it was surrounded in a cloud of various drugs and liquors slowly being dragged into the star to fuel his Charms and addictions.
  14. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Really, it all depends on if it turns me into the image, or what the image is supposed to represent.
  15. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Don't explain shit. A cat wouldn't bother, why should a catgirl? :p
  16. MadGreenSon

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    "Mom, Dad... I'm Joan of Arc now." :p