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Search results for query: *

  1. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Waaaiit ducks are serial rapists. *sigh* Gotta watch my newly huge well shaped butt around you don't I? Thank Gods Cool Kyou Shinja Titty Monsters are absurdly overpowered. I would be way more worried otherwise.
  2. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    So I am a psychic with so much power that when I get exited reality bends around me and have hormones so potent that they bypass the defenses of particularly guarded minds and make them addicted to my body. I can casually run across entire countries with my killer legs and apparently my huge...
  3. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    ... You just Jinxed yourself. Good luck on whatever fuck up you do to accomplish the improbable I guess.
  4. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    *GASP* Both sound wonderful!
  5. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    But hey! Big Tatas and Nuclear Power are at your fingertips.
  6. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    You can fill a bucket with anything that a bucket can handle. You better hope you're not in a farm.
  7. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Just romance another Yandere. Stalker x Stalker shows it can work. Also Love/Death.
  8. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    I'm now an oversexed succubus demoness... Probably fuck whoever strikes my fancy. Call me mama Sue.
  9. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Just bringing up an unlikely scenario.
  10. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    *DEAD or ALIVE!!!!* Sorry I've already got Phenomenal Cosmic Power so buzz off.
  11. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Play around with my new Digital body also Phenomenal Cosmic POWEEEEER!!!!!!!!! Now I can easily play videogames and have a LOT of recreational internet time... While also being able to do my Job in less than an instant. Soooo much free time.
  12. Nickballas

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    >I would move around veeeeery carefuly since my avatar is ludicrusly strong. >Then go to my bed to jill myself since this is one of my transformation fantasies. >Then realise that my tits will always be noticably bigger than the biggest in the area. >Mess around and see if I can somehow...