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  1. Aleph

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    I’m not arguing with Trillion, or maybe even Quadrillion. I just don’t think it’s possible to go beyond that. If one planet has 10 billion, you’d need to exterminate a hundred million just to reach Quintillion level.
  2. Aleph

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    You’ve killed over a trillion civilizations? You must have been playing that game for a very, very long time.
  3. Aleph

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    So, if we’re doing this seriously, I’d probably start by summoning some planets in Earth’s orbit, in roughly equidistant points around the sun. Then I’d summon up some of the colony ships I’ve destroyed, and go use some of the countless civilians I’ve bombed into oblivion to go settle them. And...
  4. Aleph

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    Yeah, one game of Master of Orion can really rack up a kill count once you get into orbital bombardments. Although most of them are useless civvies. Hmm, come to think of it, does my love affair with the ol’ Stellar Converter mean I’ve got a bunch of actual goddamn planets at my disposal?