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Search results for query: *

  1. GhostHaxStomp

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    Started playing Warframe a few weeks ago. It’s not even been a month and I’m at- 21,476 Grineer Marines of varying specialties, from infantry to shock troops to liches. 22,768 Infested, which while not necessarily dangerous individually is still enough to flatten any resistance. 14,831...
  2. GhostHaxStomp

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    Picked up the new Battlefront II while it was free, been playing that. I’ve killed one of every hero and villain so far, so I should be even more set than I already was. BB-8 and BB-9 are all I really need, fucking little balls are almost impossible to kill.
  3. GhostHaxStomp

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    So, assuming that major characters (gods, demigods, notably powerful individuals) don’t copy from the same game, but do if killed from multiple games... and that I actually haven’t had much variety in my games... And assuming vehicles and stationary weapons count as enemies... I have, from...