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Search results for query: *

  1. snthsnth

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    The Infested come as a result of the disease they're made of, which is itself called the Infestation. It's able to subsume machines and flesh. That's definitely the most dangerous aspect of Warframe to a species that doesn't have a good counter. The 'Other' class is generally for wildlife like...
  2. snthsnth

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    Here's an interesting thought: what about the heroes when we deliberately get them killed. Not when you get killed when trying not to die, but when you get pissed and walk right out of cover and LET the enemy kill you, or when you jump off a ledge on purpose.
  3. snthsnth

    WI: You gain a army of your bodycount from video games

    I only really need to bring up three series to win pretty much anything. SimCity, SupCom/TA/PA, and Endless Space. In a mundane setting, the millions of killed Sims provide me an easy, low effort method of living the easy life in a totally low key way. There are expert doctors, salesmen...