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Search results for query: *

  1. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Hardly, no one here is buying into the idea that militarized dictatorships which indoctrinate minors as child soldiers into their cult of collectivism is a justified or moral way to govern over others. The point of divergence doesn't lie in the protagonist's disgust of the system or the current...
  2. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    She could likely become a master of the disciplines if she wanted to, after all her chakara control is mindbogglingly absurd to the point where Tsunade would undoubtedly prefer taking Rei on as a student over Sakura if she was given the option. Then agian both of them are extremely alike in...
  3. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Well if you want to be very literal with the description of her hair type I suppose you can stick with that image, I'm hardly the arbiter of content here. I just tend to categorize her hair as "wild," "disorderly," or "hard to straighten" as it has been described in the past. It also makes...
  4. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    From a story perspective I can see where you're coming from. Our heroes and heroines will rarely ever die due to some dangerous technique or gambit, if anything it actually has a positive effect of toughening them up. But that isn't to say the technique is without danger. Until Rei straightens...
  5. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    The technique also carries a moderate risk of death since the user is required to empty thier physical energy into their spiritual energy, thus temporarily leaving Rei without any chakra at all. So they'll lose the battle in order to win the war? Guerilla war at its finest. But despite Rei's...
  6. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Oh, I agree. In fact I'd go as far as to say that Rei will likely never be right in the head agian by our world's modernist liberal standards. After all how could she when she's dedicated her entire second chance to becoming the best killer there is? Such cutthroat conviction and commitment...
  7. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    As much as my heart goes out to Nenji for all the shit he had to endure when he was little older than a toddler, I would have to admit he's been an overall net negative when it comes to Rei's emotional development. While Nenji has undoubtedly been crucial for Rei when it comes developing her...
  8. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    This is a very accurate description of my mood the moment I saw the update. Points for reading the room. I think this points to an evolution within Rei's character that's not necessarily for the better. The last time Rei interacted with Lee in a meaningful way she possessed a truly neutral if...
  9. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Somehow I doubt Rei would be caught red handed in the situation you're imagining. If her excursion into the summoning realm and her heated confrontation with a jounin level opponent have taught us anything, it's that Rei tends to overprepare for any potentially volatile situation. This could be...
  10. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think a more apt description would be that she's often too smart for her own good. That or she specializes in breaking teacher student bonds.
  11. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I dont think you would keep someone you don't fully trust in a position around your kids, especially one next to a prominent clan heir and supposed genius. Based on mustache Chunins reaction it seems Nao's subterfuge has gone relatively undetected for a while. I admit that it's possible that Nao...
  12. Commonwealth1991

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Huh, the moment I finished my 5th new game plus run on Sekiro this pops up in my notifications. Makes me wonder if SixPerfections is an actual ninja or is the PS4 trophy achievement system somehow linked to questionable questing? At any rate it took Rei twelve years (over 350k words) but she...