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Search results for query: *

  1. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    ...you must live a very sheltered life, as I know many people who would kill their more annoying coworkers but don't due to the consequences and being unable to effectively tell the 'authorities' to go fuck themselves (and I'm not talking about the 'leg-breakers' I know either). And in the past...
  2. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Again, people are assuming too many things from a western POV. Rei is a Clan Heir. Her social status trumps Neji's, as Neji is a branch-family member (even if it's of a respected and powerful clan). As such, in any hypothetical situation where Neji and Rei would marry, it would be Neji being the...
  3. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    This would make sense in a Western culture. The setting however is not a western culture. Arranged marriages are, for too many, an all too common fact of life. The only reason they would not have set up or arranged a marriage is the hope of waiting a bit to get a 'better offer' that benefits...
  4. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Not a good idea. It takes a LOT of Chakra to cast, and if she does not have enough it will kill her outright. Plus using it to 'speed train' will likely do brain/chakra damage. Naruto has insane Chakra reserves and a healing factor to cover those issues. Rei does not, even with the ability to...
  5. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Honestly, she should steal all the Kage hats and robes at some point once she's into the whole stealing groove. :p Then later on she can make some Shadow clones, put the Kage outfits on them, and then do a silly song and dance. ;) :D :p More seriously though, did you know that real life...
  6. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Ok, after way too long of a delayed response, I return with feedback. Ahem. First, you should have used the Harry Potter defense when you first encountered issues over on SB and SV with the accusations thrown at your story. Like THIS and THAT link so helpfully show, the claim is laughable...
  7. GLH

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I'll try and write up some useful and lengthy feedback in a day or so when I'm not dead tired and sleep deprived. That said, I am happy to see this here where I can comment on it.