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Search results for query: *

  1. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Hmm, I wonder if an imperfect rat sage mode would turn her into Rei Were-rat? She could throw wooden senbon and go by the moniker; Master Splinter.
  2. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    For Neji, wrap around sunglasses. For Lee, physical disguise. Also, in recon, it's expected they are not found. That team is perfect for this. I hope Rei teaches Lee rat stealth. Being a taijutsu master and a stealth master would be an horrifically lethal combination. So her picking up Gais...
  3. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    More from one of my favorite jump destinations, awesome! Gai, Neji, Lee, and Rei would be an amazing team. All Gai has to teach Lee, is quiet and subtlety.
  4. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

  5. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    And if Emerald Ashes took that into account when writing the line, I would agree. Instead that comes dangerously close to treason. No-one commit treason.
  6. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    There is only Sarutobi. That's why it is called S rank. It is Sarutobi Rank. To say otherwise is treason. I love Konoha.
  7. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    It's entirely possible that you triple posted that.
  8. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Feudal, but women have a great deal more power, and freedom. Also, not entirely middle aged, as they have computers, television, and cinema. So we can expect far more in the way of womens liberation, which means less arranged marriage.
  9. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Not in Japan, not anymore. https://web-japan.org/trends98/honbun/ntj980729.html
  10. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Well she also fears and resents Virulent from the sounds of it. It'll take a lot of time and character development to accept him too. Though, unless it happens before his death at the Chuunin arc, it's likely not going to happen. Aye, honestly I've loved your Rats since I first saw them. That...
  11. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Hells bells, I wonder if this is also about Elder Rat trying to make Konoha into a Family, after Worms report.
  12. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I wonder if her learning to accept and befriend people she loathes, that dislike her, would be one of the first steps into becoming stable again. That it might be something that'll teach her to respect Sarutobi. Also, I'm loving the work you're doing writing this mythology of rats. The only...
  13. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Now she goes hat in hand, alongside her summons to apologise to Hiruzen, and have Worm explain exactly what he did? That seems too easy for her, but at the same time too smart for her not to do. You did mention she was going to start doing the smart thing, and put herself in less potential...
  14. RichardWhereat

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Glad to see the story here, and glad to see it continuing. Always loved this one, well, no. First read through I thought that it was edgy as fuck and I'd just read a few edgy for no reason harry potter stories so I was edged out but I couldn't stop reading it. It's outstanding in how fucked she...