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Search results for query: *

  1. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I'm being honest I don't remember but I will go check when I have time I don't remember him saying that I remember saying he can't use ninjutsu but don't remember him give a specific reason. And thank you don't worry I won't shake you when I get me some sip;)
  2. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    So he said he has abnormal chakra coils that won't allow him to use ninjutsu.
  3. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    That's a interesting idea.
  4. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    it's more of I'm annoyed at this fannon being argued as canon not you personally but it's been getting on my nerves for years but that's not on you. So I do need bring it down a bit and not sound so aggressive. I still don't care for it but to add to it let's say the malformation is...
  5. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    No it doesn't makes sense, because he uses the eight gates a ability that uses the chakra coils in fact the gates are flooding his coils with chakra if lee had malformed chakra pathways this shouldn't be possible considering that the gates are taxing on the body to begin with you think it makes...
  6. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    No it isn't that fanon that's never said anywhere A fanfic made that up and people actually believe it's real it's not he's just that bad at it, kushina was shit at ninjutsu as well she only could use sealing and her bloodline.
  7. Sinnerlust

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I'm not really happy with the whole rock lee has a defective coils its for one go against the idea of lee as a character lee is talentless not disabled this completely changes his character because now it's just lee was born with a disability he isn't talentless he is just disabled. Lee is a...