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  1. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    At least Gai was smart enough to spot she's got authority issues, even if he lacked the time to work out exactly what they were, so maybe he can help her with them a little later. I doubt he can fix them all the way, but it might be possible to ease them a bit.
  2. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think Hinata, while she's managed to avoid being warped in the same ways as Neji, is still an enabler for Rei because she worships the ground she walks on. Not a bad an influence the same way as Neji, but not doing much to mitigate it. I'd forgotten about Tenten, who is, as you say, the...
  3. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think having Neji as one of her only two close friends (the other being Hinata) has actively been bad for her. You know, in addition to all her other issues. That said, I can't say it's not realistic. And on the plus side, maybe she's been a little good for him, just as he's been a bit bad...
  4. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    That's about what I expected, but it's good to have confirmation.
  5. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think people will use dragons for any elemental technique in Naruto. At the very least both water (Zabuza) and earth (Orochimaru) dragon shaped techniques are used and I imagine there's more I don't remember/haven't seen.
  6. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Honestly, I have to assume that it's another Jutsu that Naruto's high levels of chakra let him cheat at. Not that he's doing a special henge like some people have posited, that's silly, the Toad Boss wouldn't have expected him to be able to grow claws if he had some special ability no one had...
  7. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Yes... Wishing for power for the sake of power is fine... Depending on what you do to get it and how you use it after you've got it.
  8. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I'm pretty sure if he was S Rank, he'd have put up a better fight against Hidan. No, I think he was just resurrected on the hope he'd know a bunch of Konoha secrets because of his family tie to the 3rd Hokage and because the author wanted to resurrect him.
  9. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    No, you're confused. He didn't kill his parents. They died of other causes and then he turned them into puppets and carried them around because it made him feel better. Then, when someone else used them against him, he froze up and let them kill him. Again, these are nonsentient puppets, he...
  10. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I think you misread my statement. Exactly. And when it comes to Akatsuki,sane members are very much outnumbered by the insane even if some of the madness takes forms that are more functional and subtle than the others (Sasori for example) . I know you put Sasori as 'maybe sane', but I don't...
  11. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Let's be honest here: How many sane rogue S+ class ninja are there? I mean, 'slowly killing herself through drink and gambling that she sucks at' Tsunade is probably the least crazy and she's hardly stable. It's weirdly growing on me. Like a fungus. EDIT: I still don't think either one of...
  12. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Better and 'entirely fixed' are different things, it's only been what, a little over a year?
  13. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    That's what I was saying.
  14. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    They wouldn't allow their clan heir to marry into another clan. They might allow someone talented from another clan to marry into theirs. Even in an eugenics program you have to draw in some outside blood or things get messy. As for Kekkai Genkai, I doubt they'd marry into rival clans. Close...
  15. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I agree that the Summoning Contract was extremely ill-advised. Basically, the only reasons I see Rei refusing are because this is someone else's idea and she's a control freak/rebel and possibly because nearly dying and then being tortured led to her growing more cautious. And I'm not sure...
  16. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Eleven Generations? Captains of the Eleventh are, as a rule, deposed in violent combat by their successors. You could go through that many Captains in a decade if Captain level shinigami weren't rare. As is, I sincerely doubt it was enough time for 11 successive sets of Shinigami to grow to...
  17. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Good to see more of this. It's hilarious how Ino is undermining her own goals without realizing it, while simultaneously advancing her sisters's. I guess she really is helping Rei. I've tried to stay away from the Hinata and Rei relationship talk but since everybody and their brother is...