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Search results for query: *

  1. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [x] Examine in detail… (Pick one option below per action used.) --[x] Your [MANA] [x] Figure out passive [MANA] respiration. (Bonus if [MANA] is examined.) [X] One [Typical] quality [Pattern] of a random type. Lord Gacha provides! Also, best little core is best!
  2. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    Awww... Best lol core is going to get a good bossu!
  3. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    ..... Oh noes...
  4. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    Merior... Given how sparse the benefits are... Could you expand on benefits of the choices?
  5. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [X] Plan Bii [X] Yes. (Roll to obtain small social bonuses toward Etsuko.) [X] Offer her a contract as a [ Boss ]. (Free as no current bosses. Bonus if "Yes" was picked. Bosses respawn.) [X] Open the Door. (20 Mana. 1 EXP. Empower her with something useful from another dimension.) [X] Full heal...
  6. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    So... as noted, Best Little Core has a different sense of what is good/useful. I think observatoin might be a good thing to do to her first before speaking to her. :3 [X] Plan Bii [X] Scry what she is thinking about. (2 Mana.) [X] Scry what is up with her mana. (2 Mana.) [X] Speak to her. (2...
  7. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    /me patpats the best little dungeon core... Why not scry a monster pattern? It IS cheaper...
  8. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [X] Plan Bii [X] Figure out passive [MANA] respiration. [X] Scry for a [Poor] quality [Treasure Pattern]. (2 Mana) * [X] Lure in the young person who is crying close to your entrance.
  9. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [X] Absorb the basement room your door obstructs. (Count as two actions.) * [X] Figure out passive [MANA] respiration.
  10. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [X] Plan Bii [X] Absorb ambient [Decoration] so your rooms will fit the building. [X] Figure out active [HEALTH] recovery. [X] Figure out passive [MANA] respiration. Oh noes, the pretty core got hurt....
  11. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    The "Treasury" - Docks or something involving Ships of some kind The "Ruin" - Warehouse or perhaps a building that is closed/empty for some reason The "Prison" - High school I picked the docks because ships... and who doesn't wanna see a sea-faring piratical Dungeon? :3
  12. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    /me praises the Dungeon Core.
  13. Biigoh

    Little Lost Dungeon

    [X] The "Treasury"