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Search results for query: *

  1. Little Lost Dungeon

    Someone hurt our precious Boss. Maybe we can find them by looking for other people they've harmed that way? But our dungeon is kinda... well, it doesn't properly convey how awesome we are, and that is not to be borne. So we should be working on lots of things there - using our new pattern...
  2. Little Lost Dungeon

    Best core needs to get to know best delver Boss-candidate. Obviously signing up with us will solve all her problems! And only the best possible upgrades for our first minion. [x] Yes. (Roll to obtain small social bonuses toward Etsuko.) [x] Offer her a contract as a [ Boss ]. (Free as no current...
  3. Little Lost Dungeon

    Dying Will would be phrased really oddly if it was about suicide qua suicide; it can be reconciled with the Bakuda theory (or something similar) on the assumption that she has determined not to follow her orders even though she will be killed horribly for that. I'm not entirely convinced of the...
  4. Little Lost Dungeon

    We're going to be the best dungeon ever, so obviously we can't let anyone in until we've fixed both problems. Of course we can imagine the scariest monsters... (*gk* *pant pant* such hard work!) But you know, people around here are so strange they might not appreciate our treasures properly, so...
  5. Little Lost Dungeon

    "Oh, I knew I should have been growing my dungeon! I'll have to get started on that right away..." Dungeons have rooms, and monsters (and treasure, but surely that can be slipped in next). [x] Absorb the basement room your door obstructs. (Count as two actions.) * [x] Scry for a [Poor] quality...
  6. Little Lost Dungeon

    I don't like being hurt, and I really don't like the sound of "Undungeoned" (which I rather suspect might prevent healing, among other things). The first step is to have a somewhere to put things, and I guess we may as well try fixing our little boo-boo as well - I'd love to be wrong about that...
  7. Little Lost Dungeon

    [x] The "Ruin"