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Search results for query: *

  1. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Given the general tone of the story, she'll end up on the block, and then the entire block is going to be on the receiving end of an exceptionally angry Harry. Meanwhile over in America, the locals are going to be pissed about the sudden hole in their anti-travel wards, courtesy of the...
  2. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    I get the feeling it was set up for a joke where someone has to give Dragon!Harry The Talk, and humorous awkwardness ensues.
  3. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Oh no, he's still actively malicious. He's still the moral pit that steals people's life accomplishments and claims them for himself to write books about. He's just not planning to do that here.
  4. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    After Fawkes's prank, and with her wanting to get the same 'punishment' as the Weasley twins, I can't help picturing Hermione paying a visit to the headmaster's office. "Ah, Miss Granger. I hope you're doing well. Is there something I can help you with?" Hermione fidgets for a moment, as...
  5. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Sounds like an excellent way to tempt her into pranking Snape.
  6. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    No, sorry. I have creative players, and they did start in a very well stocked medical research lab. Longshot(Edge) called shots to ignore armor while still having a dicepool were used to take out the first few guards with thrown scalpels. Then they had guns. They also had a significant...
  7. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Originally she was a human with no magical potential (no "Latent Awakening"). She grew up in a shrine, and on the way to university she was kidnapped by an Azcorp squad to participate in a black research project focused on creating artificial mages. It worked, turning her into a shifter in the...
  8. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    :D yeah. They handed a Mac Guffin over to the Spirit of IzumoTaisha to identify it. (One of the PCs is a Fox-shifter and a Miko, so she can get away with just waltzing in to the non-public areas of the shrine like that. She ended up being a shadowrunner after a run-in with an Azcorp wetworks...
  9. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    They know exactly who he is, and exactly how screwed they are if they piss him off, but they don't really have a choice. He's the last person alive who knows how to get into the cairn they found, but they have explicit instructions to keep the thing secret. They made a few mistakes with...
  10. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    My players are currently trying to figure out how to get some information from Harlequin without him realizing why they want it. I'm having fun watching them scramble around someone they can't meaningfully confront in any real way. They're getting pretty scary themselves (initiation 6+ and...
  11. Rathmun

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Having finished this I must now wait patiently for the next chapter ...Ok, that's a lie, I'll be waiting impatiently.