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Search results for query: *

  1. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    and Harry is weak as hell by Great Dragon standards, while he might have the size and raw power of a Great Dragon, he lacks the skill and experience to leverage that properly
  2. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    the issue is not destroying them 'its finding them
  3. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    not sure about that Dumbledore is a truly great wizard and understands Harry's biology as much as anyone does while Voldemort had no clue what he was dealing with.
  4. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    I would not call this Harry sociopathic at all. Capable of destructive rages in some circumstances yes but not sociopathic. and I get the impression that Harry will barely reach puberty this decade, so harem does not seem that likely.
  5. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    there are also a few other bits of the worldbuilding that could have interesting effects. from what I can tell Vladimir Tepes controls a respectable portion of the magical world and is a power that even the Great Dragons would be wary of fighting and the Wurrugu's skill with major rituals could...
  6. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    he might end up with brute strength and power on that level which does not mean that he would not be absolutely slaughtered in a fight due to the lack of skills mentioned
  7. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Didnt he make a threat to basically rampage through them and their peers then get caught and sentanced to Malfoy at one point? if they ever harm a student of his?
  8. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    yeah, the inner circle of the Aurors seem to be involved with what would be classified as treason by the Ministry, if they were the type to leak secrets they would be dead. EDIT: Or worse, which is a real option with how much Mind Magic is thrown around
  9. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    also between Harry's sheer power, ties with Gringotts and growing economic clout as well as the protection of Dumbledore the ministry might think twice about picking a fight with him and the longer it goes without his secret getting out the more power he will develop, both magical and economic...
  10. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    yeah selling the children of a powerful wizard from the other side of the world is one thing selling the children of a Great Dragon is an entirely different matter. Especially in the current era when there only seems to be one being around that is Harry's peer, and Vlad is not going to defend...
  11. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    yeah, a lot of characterisations have her as being not exactly nice but less then involved with her husbands dirty work, approving but not involved. This one has her as egging him on and if anything worse then him. Also more powerful by a decent margin due to wealth
  12. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    yeah, this was one of the best Dumbledore scenes in fanfiction
  13. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    yeah, especially as people like Malfoy often view those bound by things like Law or Morality to be weak. So the idea of a truly terrifying death threat that you believe will be carried out by that weak person...
  14. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    possibly the Dracula version if anyone. He seems to be the scariest person around. maybe also the Wurrugu, a ritual able to wipe out a magical nation covering a decent portion of south america instantly sounds like the sort of thing that could kill a Great Dragon, the Thirty-Seconds War is a...
  15. Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    wouldn't mass increase by the cube. so increases eight fold with a doubling of weight?