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Search results for query: *

  1. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    The New Spell Card will be named:[X] Indastra Tūfān: [March of the Storm] ---- As the Son of the Sun God dodges danmaku upon danmaku, steadily getting used to their patterns, instead of attacking he addresses Hina Kagiyama. "You said that to prove I am indeed of Divine origins I must overcome...
  2. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Karna nods approvingly, mentally reciting a prayer of thanks to Indra for the help given. Now Hina Kagiyama and him are even, but with two more points necessary for victory it would be unwise to let the initiative go back to his foe. His mind works at a composed but steady pace: reviewing all...
  3. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    "Let's start!" Hina Kagiyama shouts. Following those words the Demi-God feels a shift in the magic surrounding the area, like the piece of a puzzle fell just into the right place. 'The Danmaku rules most likely.' He thinks, impressed by the immense time and effort that must have been required to...
  4. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    "I am the heroic spirit Karna, son of the god Surya from which all light flows." Karna announces loudly to ensure his voice could be heard. Instantly the barrage of blue and red danmaku bullets cease and silence descends over the forest: a minor divine power many Demi-Gods inherit from their...
  5. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    'Going in Spirit form is not an option, they may have a way to track me. To parley then: I just hope I can reason with them.' Karna thinks while he watches the youkai leader jumping toward him. Her mouth widens. And closes around nothing. "I am on a mission and seek an audience with the local...
  6. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Youkai Forest Winter is gradually ending in Gensokyo, slowly making space for the pleasant warmth of Spring. It wasn't very evident in the Garden of Sun, but the air still blows a cold wind: traces of snow can be seen on the ground and atop the trees, specifically deep inside the forest where...
  7. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Scarlet Weather Above the Earth, hidden in the sky, one could find not only clouds and a Dragon God swimming in the air without a care in the world, but also many worlds inhabited by beings who have been born or have reached a status closer to the Gods. Tenkai is their collective name. In...
  8. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Karna carefully contemplates the options given to him, his chin resting on his right fist, before nodding. "The Moriya Shrine." While the Human Village seems to host many capable people, it would not do to embark on his quest without paying homage to the local gods and request their blessing for...
  9. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Don't worry Grosstoad, it happens. ---- 'She is worried about her reputation?' Karna thinks. 'That would not do.' After all damaging the renown of a such hard working artist because of his actions would be a grave offense. He claps his hands together and nods. "I thank you for your...
  10. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Karna's entire body tenses and his mind goes into overdrive. The exact instant the beam comes into existence the trusted bow Vijaya is already in his hand, string drawn back and its arrow of light covered in flames ready to be shot. The light is unbearable but Karna's unflinching gaze never...
  11. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    He wants to thoroughly punish those creatures for daring to put in danger the sunflowers, faithful followers of his Venerable Father. He really does. But, he suddenly asks himself, what is the correct punishment? Killing them, while the lives of the plants were saved thanks to his timely...
  12. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    "Uhm..." Karna looks around again. 'Exploring the land is all well and good, but I shouldn't be so hasty to depart: there may be a reason I was summoned here of all places.' There is also the fact his current vantage point isn't the best: with how tall the sunflowers are it's possible there are...
  13. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    [X] In a field full of tall sunflowers. [X] Daytime. ---- What meets his eyes is a vast field of odd yellow flowers - sunflowers, whispers a voice in his head - surrounding him from every angle for an immeasurable distance, the tree he was resting on the only oddity in the otherwise pristine...
  14. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Gensokyo's Map Danmaku Rules It is a mix of classical Touhou games and fighting games like Hisoutensoku. With fights on the ground and in the air (moot most of the time because almost all of Gensokyo's residents know how to fly. The ones who don't are mainly the normal people from the Human's...
  15. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Stage 1: Arrival, Sunflowers, Event Interrupt: Faeries, Flower Master, A Champion's Spirit, Explaining Gensokyo, Spell Cards system Interlude: Scarlet Weather Stage 2: Youkai Mountain, Disciplining Unruly Fellows, Lady of Misfortune, Dance of Sun and Rain, Strength of the Storm, Strange Encounters
  16. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    Character Sheet Servant: Heroic Spirit Karna True Name: Karna Alias: Vasusena, Radheya, Son of the Sun's God, Saint of Generosity Alignment: Lawful Good Master: Masterless Class: True Heroic Spirit Gender: Male Height: 178 cm Weight: 65 kg Hair color: White Eye color: Blue Parameters...
  17. Alexander

    The Noble Virtue of a Sun's Return [Type-Moon/Touhou/???] (DEAD)

    I originally posted this quest on SB and then SV. Please don't post until I finish to upload all already existing posts. ----- Floating in the nothingness he rests. The Throne of Heroes. The final resting place for the souls of warriors and heroes of legend. Heroic Spirits: beings that...